August 2010


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MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
vlasios voudouris <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Aug 2010 00:33:48 +0100
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MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
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Thanks Sean.

At the moment, the quickest way for me was to add an 'ArrayList of the  
agents' my class that extends the SimState. Using the Model tab,  
somehow, I can access to the state of the agent using the magnifying  
icon. The only annoying think is that when I re-start the simulation,  
the object is 'lost' and I have to re-open it.

I will follow your advice.

On 12 Aug 2010, at 00:03, Sean Luke wrote:

> On Aug 11, 2010, at 6:11 PM, vlasios voudouris wrote:
>> Using the MultiTimeSeriesChartGenerator, I have 93 timeseries  
>> charts (one for each of the 93 countries/agents that are of  
>> interest to us).
>> What I want is to add an inspector to these charts so that when I  
>> click on the chart I can view and modify state of the country/agent.
> I see.  The basic problem is that the charting facility has no  
> backpointers to the MASON core -- it just stores and updates raw  
> data as it comes streaming in.  So you'll need to create a  
> backpointer of some sort.
> I can't speak to MultiTimeSeriesChartGenerator (this is I think not  
> a MASON-standard class, right?), but let's consider  
> TimeSeriesChartGenerator.  Each series plotted on the chart has an  
> associated XYSeries and an associated TimeSeriesAttributes.  In this  
> case what I would do is modify the TimeSeriesAttributes to hold onto  
> the underlying object generating this property, and include a button  
> where you can click on the attributes to pop up an inspector.  This  
> is quite a bit of work right now, I'm afraid.
> Sean