On Apr 21, 2013, at 10:00 PM, SUBSCRIBE ECJ-INTEREST-L Anonymous wrote:
> Now, I noticed two things:
> 1. The initial population is not uploaded into the genomes.
> In the .params file, I have set,
> pop.subpop.0.size = 1
> pop.subpop.0.species.genome-size = 3
> pop.subpop.0.species.ind.gene.0 = java.lang.Float
> pop.subpop.0.species.ind.gene.1 = java.lang.Float
> pop.subpop.0.species.ind.gene.2 = java.lang.Float
This is not at all how genes are defined in ECJ. I suggest you look into the manual and also the ecsuite parameter file examples.