On Aug 1, 2011, at 3:29 PM, Sean Luke wrote:
Hi Rinde. ECJ's only core grammar-guided system is its GE package at
present. Bob Orchard also did a CGP implementation which you can get
in the contrib folder or off the ECJ website. Beyond that, you're
gonna be on your own. I should mention that GE is far and away the
most popular such technique.
On Aug 1, 2011, at 5:15 AM, Rinde van Lon wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm using the Grammatical Evolution (GE) package in ECJ (ec.gp.ge.*)
> to evolve the control structure of an agent in a multi-agent system.
> This approach seems to be working fairly well. However, my choice
> for using GE was rather arbitrary and I would like to compare my
> current implementation using GE to other GGGP (Grammar Guided GP)
> solutions.
> The reason that I want to conduct this comparison is because I'm in
> doubt if GE is the best representation for my problem. For example,
> in [1] GE is outperformed by GP on the Santa Fe Ant Trail problem.
> Because the Santa Fe Ant Trail problem is in the agent domain, I
> suspect that GP might be better for my agent problem as well.
> There are two GGGP representations which I would like to use in my
> implementation, and therefore in ECJ. One is 'plain' grammar guided
> GP and the other is tree adjoining grammars (TAG). According to [2],
> one of the benefits of using TAGs is: "The TAG transformation
> permits local dependencies in the genotype space to map to long-
> distance dependencies in the intermediate phenotype space in a
> controlled way, corresponding to the structure of the grammar."
> In short my questions are:
> • Does the above reasoning for researching other grammar based GP
> representations make sense, or am I missing the point (or some
> recent literature)?
> • Are there other GGGP implementations in ECJ besides GE, such as
> plain GGGP and TAG? If not, why?
> If other GGGP implementations do not exist, I'm thinking of
> developing them as extensions to ECJ in the future.
> 1. OʼNeill, M. and Ryan, C. Grammatical Evolution. Evolutionary
> Computation 5, 4 (2001), 349-358.
> 2. McKay, R.I., Hoai, N.X., Whigham, P.A., Shan, Y., and O’Neill,
> M. Grammar-based Genetic Programming: a survey. Genetic Programming
> and Evolvable Machines 11, 3-4 (2010), 365-396.
> Best regards,
> Rinde van Lon
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