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March 2017


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Robert Osgood <[log in to unmask]>
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Robert Osgood <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Mar 2017 15:23:58 +0000
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Date:     Thursday, March 16
Time:     7 pm – 7:45 pm
Location: Conference Call

The Volgenau School is partnering with an outside company to help us enhance our reputation and make us better able to recruit high quality students and faculty to the School.

The representatives of the company are having a set of conversations with individuals from the Volgenau School.  One of the groups they would like to meet are part time  master's students, and more specifically those who work during the day.

I am organizing the  teleconference. You would be able to call the conference line  from your own phone, and needn’t be on campus to participate.  The questions will be about your experiences at Volgenau. Why you chose this school or your program.  There are no right or wrong answers and no preparation is necessary. We just need students who are willing to speak and share their thoughts.

If you would be willing to join the conversation, or if you have questions, please contact Martha Bushong, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.  Martha will provide the dial-in number.