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August 2021


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Jalen B Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
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Jalen B Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 Aug 2021 13:34:01 +0000
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The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA<>) is looking for a representative from the MS CYSE program. GAPSA is the principal body for representing and advocating for the needs of graduate and professional students to the University. GAPSA works directly with the Office of the Provost, Board of Visitors, and Graduate Council to make important decisions impacting the lives of graduate students.

GAPSA created several years ago a "General Assembly" comprised of student representatives from each graduate program at Mason. The General Assembly is the first to know of potential upcoming changes at Mason that can impact graduate students, and representatives are tasked with conveying important information to their peers in their programs, and solicitating feedback from their peers for upcoming votes. The General Assembly covers topics ranging from graduate tuition & fees, to fellowship opportunities, to student life and events; decisions made at the General Assembly are then brought in front of the Board of Visitors and/or the Graduate Council.

Each graduate program is allowed to send one student representative who will have a vote in the General Assembly. They would love to have a representative from the MS CYSE program for the 2021-2022 academic year. This one position is incredibly important, as it allows the Cyber Security Engineering students to have a direct voice in University governance and decision-making, and it is excellent leadership experience for the student rep. They do not ask for a major time commitment from student reps; the GAPSA General Assembly meets just once a month (most likely virtually), and important information will be passed along to representatives throughout the month.

If you are interested and will be enrolled through Spring 2022, please reply and briefly explain why you would be a good fit by 11:59pm on Tuesday, August 24th to be considered.

Best regards,
Jalen Johnson
Education Support Specialist
Cyber Security Engineering
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