August 2009


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Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:07:55 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)
Java3D's GraphicsContext3D object is creating that bitmap and our PNG is 
just saving it out.  The issue is that Java3D's not making a 
particularly sophisticated image.  It's mostly doing thresholding to the 
nearest object rather than nice smooth images.

Short of figuring out how to make Java3D make better images, we probably 
will need to make the images much larger (hence higher resolution), then 
scale them down nicely.  You can do this by hand by making the window 
MUCH MUCH bigger, say, 4 or 8 times bigger in each direction, and then 
taking the picture, saving it as a PNG, then scaling down in a picture 
editor.  You'll need to provide MASON with lot more memory. (like 
-Xmx400m or something).  I imagine we'd have to figure out how to do 
higher resolution images automatically.


Uwe Grueters wrote:
> Dear all, 
> I am trying to make a png-shot of the display-3d with one of my UIBM-agents.
> The agent is a grass plant, consisting of around 2000 objects (roots, clonal
> growth organ elements, internodes, leaf areas, meristems, pollen and seeds).
> I attach the resulting png-file. 
> However, I was discontent with the quality of the png-file. When I zoom in,
> the quality certainly improves ... 
> But, is there a way to improve the quality at the zoom-level of the attached
> png-file? And if so, how can I achieve this?
> Many thanks in advance for your expert answers.
> Best regards, Uwe Grueters