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March 2012


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Laura McCloskey <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Mar 2012 09:49:19 -0400
Laura McCloskey <[log in to unmask]>
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Please see the information below regarding an upcoming Vision Series 
presentation by affiliate history Professor Dr. David Wiggins:

March 26, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. - Prince William Campus
*Strange Mix of Entitlement and Exploitation: The African-American 
Experience in Predominantly White College Sport*
David Wiggins, Director, School of Recreation, Health and Tourism

*Dr. David Wiggins*, Professor and Director of the School of Recreation, 
Health, and Tourism at George Mason University, has spent the last 30 
years researching the history of American sport, particularly as it 
relates to the experiences of African Americans in sport and physical 
activity at both the amateur and professional levels of competition. 
Wiggins earned his doctorate in kinesiology from the University of 
Maryland; he has since had numerous articles published in scholarly 
journals and has written or edited 10 books, including /Glory Bound: 
Black Athletes in a White America; The Unlevel Playing Field: A 
Documentary History of the African American Experience in Sport; Out of 
the Shadows: A Biographical History of African American Athletes; 
Rivals: Legendary Matchups That Made Sport History; and Sport in 
America: From Colonial Leisure to Celebrity Figures and Globalization/. 
Wiggins has served as the editor of both "Quest" and the "Journal of 
Sport History." He has also served as the history and philosophy section 
editor of "Research Quarterly for Exercise Science and Sport" and 
president of the NCAA Scholarly Colloquium. He is a member of the 
Research Consortium of the American Alliance for Health, Physical 
Education, Recreation, and Dance, and he is an active member of the 
National Academy of Kinesiology.