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April 2021


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Apr 2021 15:49:57 +0000
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
multipart/mixed; boundary="_007_BN7PR05MB39225AEC823B8833DDC14E2D91709BN7PR05MB3922namp_"
From: Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 11:18 AM

Subject: CHR news and opportunities

Dear Colleagues, Students, and Friends,

On Wednesday, we will have the first of two important conversations "Reflecting on Racial Justice, Imagining Restorative Reform”

April 14th, 4-6pm: "On Racial Injustice and Restorative Action: A Conversation with Spencer Crew (Robinson Professor and Interim Director, National Museum of African American History and Culture) and Derrick Johnson (Executive Director, NAACP)” We will celebrate Prof. Crew’s contributions both as a historian at Mason and as a curator and director at the Smithsonian; he and the Pres. Johnson will engage in a wide-ranging discussion about their lives and the work of advancing racial justice both personally and institutionally (see flyer below!).
Register here:

April 23rd, 1-3:30pm: A Conversation withe the Honorable Leslie Abrams-Gardner and Mr. James Gardner on criminal justice reform (see flyer below). Mark your calendar! Registration info later this week!

Upcoming Fellow Research Presentations:

Graduate Fellow Research Presentation: Wednesday, April 14th, 12-1pm
Ashley Gaddy (Cultural Studies): “Reproducing Through 2020: Reproductive Liberation Strategies of Black Women Welfare Recipients in Washington, DC during Floyd, Trump and Covid-19"

Join Zoom Meeting: https://gmu.zoom.us/j/98713241588?pwd=dy83U0kvYTZsZWNYQlNrZ2dLQUczQT09

Apply to be a CHR fellow for fall 2021 and spring 2022! You will be released from two courses the semester you are a fellow so that you can focus on writing and on participating in the intellectual life of the CHR.  Applications are due on Friday, April 16th. For more information on how to apply: https://chr.gmu.edu/2021-2022-chr-residential-fellowships-faculty-and-graduate-student/

Interested in a faculty writing group?
We've been approached by faculty members interested in a humanities-focused writing group for faculty. Ideally, the group would meet twice per month and would provide an opportunity to share work in progress and to engage in intellectual discussion around each member's project(s). Please email me if you would be interested in participating: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Follow us on social media!
Instagram: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1nSU0_ZZE6leLlmyN9Jqd95GM43Q4LfZi_v8TuyAFDVubRhq2tiiGt51JwjpTVp2AlGfej0YllangC-DUm7V3ye9x-x32M5KWgVcNoo5GLmBS5mo-utjP_VYXLVyU7JFPUzcX819_2Fw2DJMHZ3TA2b34Hj14xXcpEFoRCwRTRkrZWlKLrmr7k4ao0LVTDyIXFxdyNXMBuWfDQGcfSlZNen54cbgwtWNFRv9hfIIFA46evfbhI6vVfKJAj-wqOVsk9vpSS_lPQiAISKgay6pYhmXgdZxFe6nClq_sVyBBwoY8sv_-ehf2I2AaJRaZrtJP4Pg9KQfQyFmem6fGNQ3y5FhQLkrNlot-C_k7KtrlSojMmm81cLWqjMmOlscwBZZqzBo5TI7R-Rgej1mPy5nwdJcM--9-JjvRdQTDXW1Vrk03Ib_gsifQfblhuzlNU0ad_OMp5z8v4pBXuLUoGvSW0Q/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fgeorgemasonchr%2F<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1_PheESOPYPldnlrxwyPgFJpEdpamY4X9FosCzNO6THHC0iv6MhaCt8myo1j2ONJz6E62e3gcgTM2y4o8_nvAzCCl5FjVX59AdVvfzpBJo08n-CheO9LZ6TdX3kMD37wRkqNnwxIQOLmRKPfD_tztE1gQkQo2qpl6DQ-cfUKXAvmQ2iR59LsHJmaUtCms8jfpK-6YngSnnvh5lGzdmsQX8BnfrlehgVkM5kJ0ujsTpiS091GMqFv1_EnabqR7ntt8PU0SN1_6CW8D1cK9MeG2__Ppta35JEB3TUlXJ5ytM6JPOTRI5s9tM1DTkhBZtKlr5_GYS1zPX4w3rFbnSOknBDEKKta4wyJZ-T6VRvSRL6L8vZp4Br-24uY1L7eVCynSPmDuBXpfvMAOfjquFmSBNgDFEUP5AzAmkSUm_zq4sv3Ne4hyWtEDfLyl9j1iCbpnomT8UqXz06Q2h6JxPhj3Hw/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fgeorgemasonchr%2F>
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeMasonUniversityCHR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CHR_GMU

Announcements from the Community:

Theories of Change Workshop, Carter School (see flyer below)—April 13th, 10am-12pm
Speakers Include:
Dr. James E Young, Professor UMass, Amherst
Mr. Libeskind of the Jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Hans Lauge Hansen, Professor, Aarhus University (AU), Denmark.

Register here:


Cultivating a Post-Custodial Archival Praxis: Learning from Latin America
Theresa Polk
Friday, April 16 - 2:00pm ET
Hosted by RRCHNM, George Mason University
Join the meeting here<https://gmu.zoom.us/j/92001963783?pwd=NncxZjBBckpwTFY0UDN6Wi9NdUpLUT09>

LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections at the University of Texas in Austin has been working to develop a non-extractive, horizontal model for archival collaboration based in the post-custodial theory of archives. The initiative aims to partner with Latin American archives and community-based organizations to support the development of local archival capacity, while digitally preserving and providing access to vulnerable collections documenting human rights issues and underrepresented communities. The presentation will discuss the history of LLILAS Benson’s post-custodial efforts, and lessons learned through the development of the Latin American Digital Initiatives (https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ZNmGk4XxsqzDUkvr7DVUnsNZ5qUSGW8zKcO3tY7ATL0f3gd10mPlcsyICMWbtfR4twzmu5NHRRfi_4imxJH02vLl8CIkfcXD_v0SmyjbTP0EMm1OtHie7VKbltdtsLiOlHSmt5RFmK5SckcM7YedLkHhrlWYRwWSeQv0tbmuJQlDlmnaWGFqh-6QUxSs-GiISnxdGsgM4ywI8z1kaSNsOydWZp2yJxwUnH-IJf0_9bCrU3mVuFd8WcnDu0S89K7dzgyJCzGM_2vTNYK7moJHMqZfvt9rPfuvXFsihjWVxDp6FvZHGjNiJldJ-_6Wx4K_s_dyrxKAcWRYn1-l1bvjj6BR9BffFjm8Jxhm0as-9PPMkQCzEgTEhlU8m3mJe8F8E2AKjSAu7A9ssj56G9fATkF_LRb3RQ1yDJHCl4WX3CiGXeK8v1p2GK4SPKrQ9VO2JjpO0oMcyzDOcgwHHlCgjw/https%3A%2F%2Fladi.lib.utexas.edu<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1OBZCYAtwQUuPF4NpxdFMGou9fpobqLzy-iEZQci1Q2b84_z-AJMzad0ytIN6hfpl_o6arERYEE7wZYuFT49MGJkmr0rhegO61PeTuvCxtASpkZdxRT2Ak4RCPHc31ZcIlbGycM8Q9cq7DjEX5vMM6F-1d_tI6qXWInTmuQfs1uAwqk9Uf3HLTg2ZK5GTVL6RamaY2_9UK-Bfb9W10IrGS1ktYWZoy2cwkS2XSjjRid1Zv356Nt6TP-XYvaWXvrax475aBB2odns2OhkKfyb8B1kgM6TYns_40NusQb6a1PZfCUx4XUgN6BuJys4jX6xSgQVDPEqADm8pggGzqudZwxT-F_XrJY0Pw0LdtUNXxjHBBIP63gNd1kRuX5nzuuh1GY_qtsbwLRoGqPkbvi6HvrYnG8Duk7GqJrpADY2blGETRwpONl5VmmRb3ElZJuSlNIeBzldAPR__GCFR77Y0Kw/https%3A%2F%2Fladi.lib.utexas.edu>/) project.

Theresa E. Polk is Head of Digital Initiatives and Post-Custodial Archivist at LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections at the University of Texas at Austin. She has a BA in Latin American Studies from Carleton College; a Masters degree in Library Science from the University of Maryland; and an MPhil in International Peace Studies from Trinity College Dublin. Prior to coming to UT, she worked on international human rights and development policy.

Questions? Feel free to contact Jessica Mack at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

I look forward to seeing you at our events!

Take care,

Alison Landsberg
Director, Center for Humanities Research (CHR)
Professor of History and Cultural Studies
George Mason University
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>