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January 2013


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Randolph Scully <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Randolph Scully <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 Jan 2013 11:45:31 -0500
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Begin forwarded message:

> From: H-SHEAR Editor Peter Knupfer <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: January 24, 2013 2:39:47 PM EST
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: MCEAS Dissertation Fellowships--deadline next Friday-- 
> February 1
> Reply-To: H-NET List for History of the Early American Republic <[log in to unmask] 
> >
> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:27:08 -0500
> From: Amy Baxter-Bellamy <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: RE: MCEAS Dissertation Fellowships--deadline next Friday-- 
> February 1
> The MCEAS Dissertation Fellowship Program
> Application deadline: 1 February 2013
> Since 1978, more than 200 advanced graduate students from dozens of
> universities across North America and Europe have received  
> dissertation
> fellowships from the McNeil Center. At least eight new fellows will be
> appointed for the 2013-2014 academic year, most with nine-month  
> stipends
> of $21,000. Fellows receive office space in the Center's magnificent
> building on the University of Pennsylvania's campus and library,
> computer, and other privileges at the University. Limited travel funds
> for research are also available. While no teaching is required for  
> most
> fellowships, all McNeil Center fellows are expected to be in residence
> in Philadelphia during the academic year and to participate  
> regularly in
> the Center's program of seminars and other activities.
> *****Applications and recommendations can be submitted online at:
> http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowships.shtml
> Awards may be made in the following categories, depending on the
> qualifications of the applicants and the availability of funding. In a
> given year, appointments may not be made in all categories.
> Nine-Month or One-Semester Fellowships:
> --MCEAS Barra Dissertation Fellowships are open to candidates from any
> discipline working on any relevant topic.
> --The Barra Foundation Fellowship is designed primarily for candidates
> specializing in Early American art or material culture.
> --MCEAS Consortium Fellowships are open to candidates from research
> universities that are members of the McNeil Center Consortium. For  
> more
> information concerning consortium membership, please contact the  
> Center
> Director.
> --Friends of the MCEAS Fellowships are supported by annual donors to  
> the
> McNeil Center to facilitate dissertation research dealing with the
> Philadelphia or the Mid-Atlantic region before 1850.
> --The Richard S. Dunn Fellowship, funded by a gift from an anonymous
> donor in honor of the Center's founding director, acknowledges
> excellence in Early American Studies.
> --The E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Fellowship in Early American
> Religious Studies is open to candidates in any discipline researching
> any aspect of religion in North America and the Atlantic world  
> before 1850.
> --Marguerite Bartlett Hamer Fellowships are awarded to advanced  
> doctoral
> candidates from any relevant program at the University of Pennsylvania
> and may include some teaching responsibilities.
> --The Society of the Cincinnati Fellowship, funded by generous
> contributions from the State Society of the Cincinnati of  
> Pennsylvania,
> supports research on the era of the American Revolution.
> Other Fellowships:
> --Sawyer Dissertation Fellowships: The McNeil Center for Early  
> American
> Studies and the University of Pennsylvania have received a generous
> grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to conduct a year-long John
> E. Sawyer Seminar on the Comparative Study of Cultures. The theme of  
> the
> seminar, to be directed by Professor David Kazanjian of Penn’s English
> Department, will be “Race, Across Time and Space.” The Sawyer program
> will make possible two dissertation fellowships open to a broad
> interdisciplinary range of young scholars working on the era of  
> Atlantic
> revolutions, 1750-1850. Sawyer fellows will be appointed to twelve- 
> month
> terms, commencing 1 July 2013.
> --Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Early American Literature and  
> Material
> Texts: In collaboration with the Library Company of Philadelphia, two
> fellows will be appointed for 13-month terms beginning 1 July 2012.
> These fellowships are open to dissertators in English, American
> Literature, Comparative Literature, American Studies, History, Art
> History, or related fields whose work combines in innovative ways the
> study of texts—novels, poems, plays, newspapers,magazines, scribal
> publications, genres not traditionally defined as "literary"—with the
> material circumstances of their production and dissemination. Projects
> should rely on the extraordinary rare book, print, and ephemera
> collections of the Library Company. The fellows' terms will begin and
> end with a summer workshop under the guidance of a senior invited
> scholar. The 13-month stipend is $29,000.
> --The Monticello-McNeil Fellowship, co-sponsored by the McNeil Center
> and the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at
> Monticello, facilitates scholarship on Thomas Jefferson and his times.
> Holders of this fellowship spend a portion of their fellowship term at
> the ICJS in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the remainder in
> Philadelphia. Reasonable travel costs between Philadelphia and
> Charlottesville and, subject to availability, housing at ICJS are  
> included.
> How to Apply:
> *****Online applicants can complete all of these requirements by
> visiting http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowships.shtml and  
> clicking
> on application submission link
> A single application suffices for all mailed fellowships. Categories  
> and
> duration of awards are determined by the selection committee, but
> candidates interested in the Mellon, Sawyer, Quinn, and
> Monticello-McNeil fellowships should state their interest clearly in
> their research proposals. Submit six copies of each of the following
> (double-sided reproductions are appreciated):
> --a cover sheet (http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowship.pdf);
> --a curriculum vitae;
> --a research proposal of 3-5 double-spaced pages; and
> --a sample of work related to the project not to exceed 25 double- 
> spaced
> pages (Except for published articles, longer submissions will be  
> discarded).
> --at least two letters of recommendation should be mailed separately  
> or
> with the recommender's signature across the seal. Please ensure that
> recommenders speak to the specifics of this fellowship. Do not send
> letters from job placement dossiers. Recommenders may submit
> recommendations by email to [log in to unmask] , online at
> http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowships.shtml , or by U.S. mail.
> Submit all materials to:
> The McNeil Center for Early American Studies
> University of Pennsylvania
> 3355 Woodland Walk
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-4531
> The postmark deadline for applications is 1 February 2013.
> [Amy Baxter-Bellamy]