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February 2021


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Tue, 2 Feb 2021 20:19:48 +0000
Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
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From: Duane D Bradshaw <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 1:46 PM
Subject: PLEASE SHARE - Opportunities in the US Intelligence Community panel, February 11th, 6:00-7:30pm on Zoom


Emerging Professionals in Intelligence Community (EPIC), a professional association, will have a Zoom panel discussing the intelligence field and potential opportunities (details below).  The panelists will speak about their careers and then break into breakout rooms on Zoom to discuss the following topics:

  *   STEM
  *   Uniformed Services/Direct to GS
  *   Consulting for the IC

They are interested in all graduate students attending.  Please share the information below with your students.


Duane Bradshaw
Director of Career Development
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University

Opportunities in the US Intelligence Community
for Young Professionals and Recent Graduates
Thursday, February 11, 2021; 6:00PM – 7:30PM
Register on Handshake<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1IRxDMZ3qqMIOvyQcTpzvpkM0jVmHzyjXd4gXL2PVl7M0o5lFsA__OrdF1SUYJsLoGPc7luqkdjaynrLll2FludlJWgtZvtYfnURaT7qTT3aMpOm8qkZWUkIJ0OTJ_ydH2z3FG8zF434b9r_dNyNOyWAy10_R5RaClfuEnZENIhsx7q0lJLn1H7DJmNhKHYEJ_SaXXWaDosXIreJWO2RZm4LbIJ4zJbJIS7jBBu_14SJFEANQ_HUb9yKCRWiScBwmeA7QGm3QljZhBP90b3tbHZ11J_8eNBgT4LGobOakxC7A8OEJqdpU9zpZHt6iwpDPYwbf5I5m87Fk0uNXhQKbJzlNpB7ocLHNyy4RW87TSDhxaeFoXpFrAUzc_15kdAAnVAGzW-dpvpPtHzrjVOiTzPwPPCiy1h50fPAD2bfi9VJnUtP5jxD-yctykdLzB0HhKYiU36S14dB9_l-xhBY5RA/https%3A%2F%2Fgmu.us7.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D6b3fa353c15506166e485a3a0%26id%3D004190be1a%26e%3D856ea18255>

The evening will provide an opportunity for students, post-docs, and other young professionals to gain a better understanding of the opportunities and roles available to them within the Intelligence Community.

The EPIC committee panelists will briefly describe their background but the majority of the event will focus on questions submitted by participants or which the panelists themselves wish they had asked, and received answers to, when graduating or when considering the IC for a career. At the end of the event participants will have the opportunity to join breakout sessions with specific panelists and delve deeper into topics of interest:

  *   STEM
  *   Uniformed Services/Direct to GS
  *   Consulting for the IC

U.S. citizenship is required for employment in the intelligence field.

Moderator: Collin Agee
Panelists: Michael Patterson, Eric Winder, Shea Hazel, Lee Hutchins, & Justin Weissbrod


Duane D. Bradshaw

Director of Career Development / Alumni Chapter Advisor

Schar School of Policy and Government

George Mason University

3351 North Fairfax Drive, MS 3B1

Arlington, VA 22201

Phone:  703-993-3188

Fax:  703-993-4876

Email:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Web:  http://schar.gmu.edu/current-students/career-services/


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