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October 2021


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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Oct 2021 19:46:27 +0000
From: Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2021 3:35 PM
Subject: CHR Events and Opportunities

Dear Colleagues, Students, and Friends,

We are now accepting proposals for our First Annual Symposium on the theme "Pasts/Presents/Futures."

We encourage you both to submit and to circulate our call for papers widely within your networks.

More information, including details on submission instructions and deadline, is available via our website<https://chr.gmu.edu/articles/16538>, the attached flyer, or view a PDF of the call here.<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1qhu5Ur2Y6M52ivxshFcqPFNIfkns2eryYutsW8m-pmsZ5JaoRIznZGRS8gHbL4UC3fwTDlC9_zixOM95YGzqImppijN4RIolKo10tBGgfdkNPvwuWrWlomkoWGRWQGqHjD3XeCsiKy7b4h4C5pIzgjbs3q3iiZfcUfttNiSL-l-51wbSaasga4r6ZKpugZTQALRKx60HwlvqdnIqFRiHMYlWsvAz6Pxr-BHmLmoT9oExDdl8qbsuE_83ztL85L9vzd8q55wB-SMN0a0_zm8LU18O-T8kipVGDEF4hSU5RRDagz_VLN3ZSv1n6JLMKm_G30gTOmSzSDWlHYpg3rxmGtJmm5AY4JwqFnWR6Guic-H-rGK5vSxM4t466Wn9NhHu1RUaxXBsUM7XsgwrzxTo9vA6KyokywPj-6lfCbVoPwYCNnwho88Edc4nwLE6CsLswL7bUGPYemBILQtUrZhyiw/https%3A%2F%2Fd101vc9winf8ln.cloudfront.net%2Fdocuments%2F41286%2Foriginal%2FPasts-Presents-Futures_Call_for_Papers.pdf%3F1634231867>

Read on for other news and events!


Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, October 27 (12-1 pm; hybrid):

Please join us this week for a CHR Residential Fellow talk by Associate Professor Brian Platt, “Wind, Worms, and Weeds: Rescuing the Past in Early Modern Japan.” Find us in person in Horizon Hall 6325 or virtually via this link<https://gmu.zoom.us/j/91363144803?pwd=TnZRZEhiSG9FaHBLOUMvYmlvM1lnQT09>.

Thursday, November 4 (12-1 pm; hybrid):

Please join us next week for a CHR Residential Fellow talk by Assistant Professor Yasemin Ýpek, “Crisiswork: Everyday Activism, Ethics, and Class Mobility in Lebanon.” Find us in person in Horizon Hall 6325 or virtually via this link<https://gmu.zoom.us/j/91040774665?pwd=MWc0WG5PQ0ZIR3d3RzZNMXF5Q0FVUT09>.

Wednesday, November 10 (3-4 pm; hybrid):

In the first event of CHR’s new Working Group on Archaeology and Material Culture, Jamie Aprile will give a talk--open to all--entitled, “An Introduction to the San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project.” Flyer attached or learn more here.<https://chr.gmu.edu/events/12784> Join us in person in Horizon Hall 6325 or on Zoom by clicking here<https://gmu.zoom.us/j/93865290947?pwd=VzVCYzB6TXdzSnIxQ0lUUzhScVdFZz09>.

Please consider joining our new working group, which will bring together researchers and students across campus interested in these fields to share work, ideas, and opportunities (including field schools). Please fill out this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzdybZDAtaxDwfS2xjfvBOdSluytL0OlR_7JuO_rhlk9GuJg/viewform?usp=sf_link> if you're interested in joining.

Friday, November 19 (10-11:30 am; virtual):

Have you ever considered writing for a public audience but were unsure about how to get started?

Attend CHR’s workshop on “Writing for the Public.” This event is part of our "Writing for the Public" series and is open to students, faculty, and staff. It will feature three short presentations, each of which will be followed by a Q&A.


     *   Niklas Hultin<https://globalaffairs.gmu.edu/people/ihultin> (Assistant Professor, Global Affairs), "Writing for the ‘Blob’ in DC and elsewhere"

     *   Samuel Clowes Huneke<https://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/people/shuneke> (Assistant Professor, History and Art History), “Pitching for the Public”

     *   Abby Mullen<https://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/people/amullen2> (Assistant Professor, History and Art History, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media), “Writing for Audio”

Please fill out this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8CxzWxn-K4VadPInaJF1g6Jd7S-lQer-j6TiEvUpSzgIMdQ/viewform?usp=sf_link> to RSVP.

Click here to join via Zoom<https://gmu.zoom.us/j/98355705100?pwd=RDdtUjhRY2hWc1k3MXdWQVVhT0JMQT09>.

Friday, December 3 (1-2:30 pm; virtual):

Join a discussion with our colleagues in the social sciences at a virtual workshop jointly hosted by Mason's CHR and CSSR (Center for Social Science Research), "Stretching Disciplinary Boundaries: Discussing Possibilities at the Intersection of the Humanities and Social Sciences." Read more here<https://chr.gmu.edu/events/12760> and please help us spread the word by forwarding on the attached flyer to interested students and/or colleagues. All are welcome.

Panelists: Isidore Dorpenyo (Assistant Professor, English), Shannon Fyfe (Assistant Professor, Philosophy), Vivek Narayanan (Assistant Professor, English), Amaka Okechukwu (Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology), Jessica Otis (Assistant Professor, History and Art History), and Rick Smith (Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology).

*RESCHEDULED- new date to be announced soon

We will be rescheduling our upcoming book talk panel (originally planned for November 5), co-hosted by the PhD Program in Cultural Studies, "The Imaginative Possibilities of Infrastructure," featuring new work by Hatim El-Hibri, Jessica Hurley, and Rashmi Sadana, and moderated by Denise Albanese. Details here<https://chr.gmu.edu/events/12759>-- new date will be posted on that link and circulated in a future newsletter.


Other events of interest:

Fulbright Italy celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright Program

Tuesday, November 9th, 12-1:30pm Eastern

Zoom registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc34RAFdaLywDPL8zfPkFlEBDBnvs5HtQNxNmPAIpzldC3umg/viewform

Identity and Searching for Black Lives in the Archives in the Words of LaNitra Berger and Maaza Mengiste

A conversation between Maaza Mengiste, Fulbright 2010 and author of the novel, The Shadow King, which shortlisted for the 2020 Booker Prize and was a 2020 LA Times Book Prize Fiction finalist, and LaNitra Berger, an award-winning scholar, social justice advocate, and Fulbright Program Advisor, and moderated by Timothy Martin, Board Member of the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission and a performer and teacher of over 30 years. The authors will discuss race and identity and the need to "decolonize” the archives and focus on how Maaza’s book was shaped by her Fulbright experience in Italy. The conversation will also expand to encompass issues of diversity and identity in contemporary Italy.


Follow us on social media!

CHR has Instagram<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1bwjplzJbXrHEtZ1J3cPHpRgUhJbYk08t5gjqN9IgVt9q7NQSTUXh2mf3vDANhqH1_lDeru3jQDV9eOJbEKa7RWMXV1nxYJzAcuxdsQpl6CFYP3Ha7szhvwA1N0Gxi2xeRTCaCRh4ricB0O82EW9B6DDTK5vN1IJCHcwwqk11x0gi3BbiESf6G9jnmGrNUQsthPSndp-tcX4t_ZJsDPSOEGdEVikwqh7CF4i_YCKNj7av7ANYCPz8kPa_qUclaXtfeOjR2fq6X5ziaqn1rpd4rB68bV2Jl7wZFQFsK8lyqpaieV2rGEoJODK3eyaADbuhftOca4Uqfe4uh7IGPvAMkm3HjjeFhyW2uHpwzjGDXouu9sUGkwey8NowjSddGA9Y48Cr4qf_W0q93y8L5EP-Nv6sDVSko724FvDaB589V2bJ2OdNK2PAfQEQq48IvL9591Ul2jDkPcepPpHpqW8FDg/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fgeorgemasonchr%2F>, Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeMasonUniversityCHR>, and Twitter<https://twitter.com/CHR_GMU> accounts. Connect with us!

Best wishes,

Alison Landsberg (Director)

Catherine Olien (Associate Director)

Center for Humanities Research (CHR<https://chr.gmu.edu>)
6320 Horizon Hall
George Mason University