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February 2018


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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Feb 2018 13:59:17 +0000
text/plain (3400 bytes) , text/html (6 kB) , Call for Proposals Flier 2018.pdf (215 kB)
From: Mason Graduate Student Services Administrators and Providers [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Yoolee Choe Kim
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:46 PM
To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Present Your Research: Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference and 3MT

Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference: Call for Proposals Due Thursday, Feb. 22
Don't forget to submit your proposals for the Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference<https://provost.gmu.edu/academics-and-research/graduate-education/mason-graduate-interdisciplinary-conference>, scheduled for Saturday, April 7 at Founders Hall at the Arlington Campus. This one-day event will showcase graduate student research, scholarly, and creative works across disciplines through posters, presentations, and Mason's second annual 3MT(r) competition. This is a great way to get practice with presenting! Submissions for oral and poster presentations are due Thursday, February 22. For more information, check out the Conference webpage<https://provost.gmu.edu/academics-and-research/graduate-education/mason-graduate-interdisciplinary-conference>.

If you're not ready to present, but still want to be involved in the conference, volunteer to be a session chair and get a line on your CV. If you are interested, please contact the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA)<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

PhD Candidates: Present Your Research and Win up to $1,000 with the Three-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT(r))! Deadline to Register: Friday, Feb. 23
If you are a PhD candidate, consider registering for Mason's Three-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT(r))<https://provost.gmu.edu/academics-and-research/graduate-education/mason-graduate-interdisciplinary-conference/3mt%C2%AE>. This is a research communication competition where PhD students present their doctoral research to a non-specialist audience and have the chance to win prizes up to $1,000. A preliminary round will be held on the Fairfax Campus in the Johnson Center Room 326B on Thursday, March 1. The Top 10 finalists will advance to compete in the final round on April 7 at the Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference in Founders Hall at the Arlington Campus.

Registration for 3MT(r) has been extended until Friday, February 23; limited spaces remain! Click here for more info<https://provost.gmu.edu/academics-and-research/graduate-education/mason-graduate-interdisciplinary-conference/3mt%C2%AE>.

Julie Choe Kim
Director of Graduate Student Life
George Mason University
Pronouns: she/her/hers<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1wOzPLy26puyIvOh4bFfvRjykQLmqFHbzpfBTTaX7_CnXq-1JnWQ2ipkeVt0B5N2J6hKMrlHl3za3pAavUp0L7hd_o8LhvCYIpNj-Sz298KtKNWn3-94-xVwSsCXbe5NRvwHVbAtXbIWSWSNVf-i9iTZhsHVUSspJxtle9WLWDHog6yaGK0nOZdPJPlPigMdSGNz8Bl4uMsSRI2xCFLjpAc5VlX3ZJhOMSHp2nIfKIZrGlxGGywzvSFHFp-GB6UwNcnK173zQ6sRbBsX9gq132bRnKQOSnjc25VH7iToBqb92jeaz-_vRptoRCCj2NDajyMIBP6fp9_HIYESo3bzvrb0HtTYSHgUXekcmHMVagmQfZVLloWYyP7oHDjW3BEdaJNlY1sCEw0aK039ZPydOhb0r8kS293jF7i1-dL66N8k/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mypronouns.org%2Fshe-her>

4400 University Drive, MSN 2A4
Student Union Building 1, Room 4211
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-993-4031
Fax: 703-993-9528
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Web: http://gradlife.gmu.edu<http://gradlife.gmu.edu/>
Facebook/Twitter: @MasonGradLife