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Date: February 2, 2014 at 12:22:15 AM EST
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Subject: H-SHEAR daily digest: 1 new discussion post items have been posted
Greetings Cynthia A. Kierner,
New discussion post items have been posted in H-SHEAR.
Maryland Historical Society - Graduate Student Research Fellowship<>
by Matt Hetrick<>
The Maryland Historical Society (MdHS) is pleased to offer a third Wing Fellowship in Chesapeake history and requests proposals from graduate students for the 2014-2015 academic year. The $5,000 fellowship is funded by a grant from John and Barbara Wing.
The purpose of the Wing Fellowship is to assist a graduate student in undertaking a significant project in Chesapeake region history. Areas of research could include maritime history, the arts, archaeology, economic development, and life in the early Chesapeake Bay region. Proposals for other subjects and themes are also welcome.
Proposals should describe the intended project, the research approach, expected results, the applicant's curriculum vitae, professional references, and how the funds will be used. In addition to submitting periodic progress reports, the fellow will provide the library with an annotated bibliography and research summary and deliver a presentation at the concl! usion of the project.
Evaluation of proposals will consider uniqueness and importance of the proposed project, soundness of the research approach, professional qualifications, and financial need. Please direct questions to Patricia Dockman Anderson, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
Submission deadline is March 15, 2014. The MdHS will announce the recipient May 1. The award will be payable in installments through the 2014-2015 academic year.
Please send cover letter, C.V., references, and three-to-five page proposal citing relevant MdHS collections to:
Patricia Dockman Anderson, Ph.D.
Director of Publications & Library Services
Maryland Historical Society
201 West Monument Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-685-3750 x 317
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