I made a zip file of all the files I was using. The problem is the
regression example included in ECJ.
The output from the server is as follows (this is also included in
compute-1-1.regression.out, and the output from the island is in
Thanks in advance,
Brad Barr
| An evolutionary computation system (version 16)
| By Sean Luke
| Contributors: L. Panait, G. Balan, S. Paus, Z. Skolicki, R. Kicinger,
| J. Harrison, J. Bassett, R. Hubley, A. Desai, and A.
| URL: http://cs.gmu.edu/~eclab/projects/ecj/
| Mail: [log in to unmask]
| (better: join ECJ-INTEREST at URL above)
| Date: March 20 2007
| Current Java: 1.5.0_07 / Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM-1.5.0_07-b03
| Required Minimum Java: 1.3
Threads: breed/1 eval/1
Seed: -419361418
Job: 0
Setting up
Processing GP Types
Processing GP Node Constraints
Processing GP Function Sets
Processing GP Tree Constraints
Communication will be compressed
Initializing Generation 0
The communication will be asynchronous.
Server Launched.
Connecting to Server compute-1-1, port 8999
Connected to Server after 0 ms
Island compute-1-1 logged in
IslandExchangeMailbox created.
My address is:
0: Island compute-1-1 has address : 15006
Island compute-1-2 logged in
1: Island compute-1-2 has address : 15001
Island compute-1-1 should connect to island compute-1-2 at : 15001
Island compute-1-2 should connect to island compute-1-1 at : 15006
The communication will be asynchronous.
Trying to connect to : 15001
Island compute-1-2 connected to my mailbox
All islands have connected to my client.
Generation 1
Sending 4 emigrants to island compute-1-2
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Sending 4 emigrants to island compute-1-2
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Number of trees: 1
Writing tree 0
Generation 6
Receiving 4 immigrants for subpopulation 0 from island compute-1-2
Number of trees differ in GPIndividual when reading from readGenotype
(EvolutionState, DataInput).
Original size: 1 and read-size is 256
On Feb 3, 2008, at 6:15 PM, Sean Luke wrote:
> Brad, can you construct and send me a minimal example, maybe two
> islands, which typically exhibits the behavior, with a printout of
> information when the problem occurs?
> We've been putting a lot of effort into the distributed evaluator
> lately (Alberto: warning!) and have changed a lot of stuff there,
> but that should not have any effect on the island model code:
> however I've not examined the island model code in a while and
> there may be some bit rot somewhere.
> Sean
> On Feb 3, 2008, at 4:03 PM, Bradford Barr wrote:
>> I emailed the list about this same problem a while ago but I still
>> haven't found a solution.
>> My island model is aborting because of an incorrect read of the
>> genotype (number of trees). I added a little output to
>> writeGenotype to make sure I was writing the correct number of
>> trees, that looks fine.
>> Any insight to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Brad Barr