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August 2016


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Achim Loch <[log in to unmask]>
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Achim Loch <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Aug 2016 19:10:10 +0000
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August 23, 2016

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Study Abroad Applications Open

Mason Study Abroad is excited to announce that all
Winter Break 2017<,10004,10008,10009,10010>, Spring Break 2017<> and Spring Semester 2017<,10004,10008,10009,10010,10011,10029> study abroad program applications are now open!


Please visit your program of interest’s brochure page<> for detailed information on cost, courses, contacts, and more. From there you can click the “Apply Now” button to start your application.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Program Officer<> (listed on your program’s brochure page) to correspond by email or to set up an advising appointment<>.

We look forward to coordinating a great international experience with you! - Mason Study Abroad Staff


Upcoming Events

Ice Cream Social
August 31, 3pm-5pm
HUB Side Pocket

Learn and Lunch with President Cabrera
September 12, 12:30pm-3:30pm (check-in at 12pm)
Merten Hall 1201

Study Abroad Socials
September 6, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room F

September 7, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room D

September 13, 4pm-6pm
HUB Mtg Room 1

September 14, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room G

September 20, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room B

September 21, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room F

Workshop: Financing Study Abroad
September 15, 2pm-3pm
HUB Mtg Room 1

More information
Events Calendar<>


Cuba Cruise from Jan 6-13, 2017

Experience Cuba by land and by sea aboard the S.S. Crystal, Celestyal Cruise Lines. Space is limited on the cruise ship. Sign on up now and reserve your space<>.

Seven night cruise departing from Montego Bay, Jamaica sailing to four ports including Santiago de Cuba, Havana,  Maria La Gorda and Cienfuegos. Participants will take part in cultural programs, lectures and briefings by Professor Jorge Arocha and others from the University of Havana throughout the cruise both at sea and on land.


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