February 2010


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"Diane St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:47:29 -0500
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Dear PW campus students,
I need your support.  The Prince William Campus is in the midst of 
planning for the future and we've started to work on a PWC Sector 
Planning Study. 

We'll like to gather a student focus group to discuss ideas and 
possibilities for the PWC Sector Planning Study.  Unfortunately, these 
meetings have been planned for the week of Spring Break on Wednesday, 
March 10.  Although it's only a one-hour meeting, I'm quickly trying to 
determine if students will be around to participate or if I should ask 
the consultants to reschedule for another date and time.

We'll need to get 5 - 7 PWC students to attend so please let me know as 
soon as possible if you're interested and if you'll be around during 
Spring Break.

For your information, here's a review of the details:

PWC Student Focus Group Meeting (5 to 7 PWC Students needed)
Wednesday, March 10
12:30 - 1:30pm
Bull Run Hall, Room 248

Please email me (Dr. Charvis Campbell) if you are able to attend: 
[log in to unmask]
thank you,

Charvis V. Campbell
Assistant Dean
University Life -- Prince William Campus
Adjunct Faculty 
George Mason University
703-993-8373 (phone)
703-993-8360 (fax)