Dear Advisory Board, Staff, Faculty, Postdocs, and Students,
This year has been remarkable in many ways. As a department, we’ve celebrated significant milestones, collectively and individually, requiring special effort and dedication. Thank you all for your hard work, creativity, and commitment. I’m truly grateful for
your contributions. Wishing you a joyful and relaxing holiday season with family and friends!
I hope you enjoy the screenshot I took in 2020 featuring a heartwarming message from the USDA @Thanksgiving, along with a recent photo of Great Falls in just 30 minutes from GMU.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Best Wishes,
Jiayang and Family
Jiayang Sun
Professor, Bernard Dunn Eminent Scholar, and Chair
Department of Statistics, George Mason University
Nguyen Engineering Building
4400 University Dr. (MS: 4A7)
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-3645 (Office Manager)
703-993-4732 (Direct)