Dear Colleagues:


I am writing to update you on our NASA Research Certification process.  You may recall from previous correspondence in September that NASA is applying extra scrutiny to their grants, consistent with the contemporary environment where policies at the intersection of research and national security are being re-evaluated.  We have responded by

If you have questions related to your NASA certification or these FAQs, please contact the Office of Sponsored programs at [log in to unmask] or your College Research Administrator.  When requested to submit signed certifications, as a PI or team member, please do so at your earliest opportunity.   This will not only allow OSP and the Office of Research, Integrity and Assurance (“ORIA”) to promptly address any related issues or questions, it will also greatly assist the University in meeting its NASA compliance obligations.  


The Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Impact (ORIEI) is here to support you. 







Andre Marshall, PhD

Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Impact

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

George Mason University