Hello Bijan, Regarding #1: Last year you said that "The option of returning to campus a week later in January 2024 was proposed to the Commonwealth, but it was declined because it would increase the total number of holidays allowed in 2024 over the limit.". If that's the case, then why would the Commonwealth approve it this time? thank you, Socrates ________________________________ From: Bijan Jabbari <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 9:39 To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> Subject: A Few Items of Importance from Faculty Senate Meetings Dear Colleagues, The following from the recent Faculty Senate meetings might be of interest to you: 1. The start date of the next academic year, which was planned to be August 19 previously is now moved to August 26, 2024. This is supported by the Interim Provost Ken Walsh and is subject to the Commonwealth agreeing the staff to have part of their two-week year-end break spilled over to January 2025. 1. On Academic Policies a motion was proposed and was passed to clarify the IN grade designation, so the grade doesn’t become automatically an F. The clarification is as follows: If the work has not been completed and no final grade has been submitted by the established deadline, the grade of IN is changed by the University Registrar's office to the Incomplete Final Grade recorded at the time of the IN grade designation. 1. The cutbacks due to the current budget shortfall is divided across almost all colleges and it is 6%. Deans will decide on the cuts for their local units. 1. There have been significant changes to the faculty handbook in the past several years on the subject of shared governance and the Provost would like to make sure they are followed. The colleges have been asked to put in place a process to see that these changes are implemented, and the progress will be examined within a year. Best, - Bijan