DAEN Program Students:


The GMU Linguistics Colloquium Series is hosting the following presentation on Wednesday, March 29th at 3:00pm in the HORIZON HALL Large conference room 4225. There will also be a small reception in the 4th floor Horizon Hall kitchen afterwards.


I want to encourage interested DAEN Program students to attend either in person or virtually via Zoom meeting.



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Professor Bernard Schmidt

Instructor and Acting Director, MS Data Analytics Engineering Program

George Mason University | College of Engineering and Computing | Volgenau School of Engineering

Research Hall

10401 York River Road

Suite 359, MS 6B1

Fairfax, VA 22030

DAEN Program URL: https://analyticsengineering.gmu.edu/

Faculty Bio: https://cec.gmu.edu/node/1421

Email: [log in to unmask]

Office Location: Research Hall 368

Office Phone: (703) 993-6548

Mobile: (571) 330-3759

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