Dear all,


The CEC Dean’s Office will host the Innovation Week (formally Engineers Week) during the week of Feb 19 – Feb 25. At part of the event, on Thursday Feb 22, there will be a poster competition. Poster will be judged and should illustrate innovative research or teaching methods with implications for socially conscious engineering and/or technology.


The spirit of I-Week is one of inclusion and posters from students and faculty across GMU who are engaged in inspired research that is socially conscious, socially just, humanitarian, and aims to positively impact communities (especially those that are underresourced and/or underserved) are all welcomed.


Below are the following important dates as it concerns poster participation:


Please see attached Call for Poster flyer for details and please circulate it with others who might be interested.






Qi Wei, PhD

Associate Professor

Biomechanics Laboratory

Department of Bioengineering
Volgenau School of Engineering

George Mason University

4400 University Drive 1J7

Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: 703-993-5211