Registration and Call for Programs are NOW OPEN for the 2023 Diversity Leadership Summit!!

For more info, to register, and/or submit a proposal, visit:


Mark your calendars, the Center for Culture, Equity, and Empowerment and the Leadership Education and Development Office (with the support of many amazing UL partners) are teaming together to bring our community, the first ever Diversity Leadership Summit on Saturday, March 4th from 10:00am-4:00pm in Merten Hall.

The Diversity Leadership Summit positions the campus community to come together in various ways to learn, collaborate, and teach about social justice issues that impact our campus, our local communities and beyond. This summit will help to build capacity to have critical dialogue, expand consciousness of self and others, and create liberating and equitable practices, all of which increases student leadership development. The Diversity Leadership Summit will be a place where we will engage in narrative change work by uplifting and centering various sites of knowledge, voices, and experiences, including the ways knowledge is embodied. We empower our students, faculty, and staff to leverage not only their research but also their lived experiences, ideas, and insights to tell more inclusive and complex stories of the past, present, and future of our campus and communities.

As a result of participating in the 2023 Diversity Leadership Summit, attendees will: 


Important 2023 Diversity Leadership Summit Dates: 





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How do YOU decide what’s right in leadership and life?

Are you a Wolf (W), Hawk (H), Otter (O), Bear (B) or Elephant (E)?

Take the brief quiz:


Nick Lennon, PhD (he/him/his
 <-what's this?)
Director, Leadership Education And Development (LEAD)
George Mason University
The HUB, Suite 2400 (MS 6E8)
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: 703.993.5470
Fax: 703.993.5371
Email: [log in to unmask]