Hello BIS Students!

Contemporary Student Services is excited to kick off Spring 2023 with some great events in January and February. This semester we are introducing new monthly contemporary student support spaces for our contemporary populations along with bringing back some of our favorite yearly events. Some event dates and locations are listed below and more info can be found in the attached flyer.

  *   Student Parent Support Space on Saturday, Jan 28th from 10am-12pm in the HUB 1012

  *   Contemporary Café on Thursday Feb 2nd from 3pm-6pm in the HUB 1012

  *   Transfer Student Support Space on Tuesday, Feb 7th from 5pm-7pm in the HUB 1012

  *   Transfer Nation on Wednesday, Feb 8th from 4pm-7pm in the Corner Pocket

  *   Adult Learner Support Space on Thursday, Feb 9th from 6pm-8pm virtually (zoom link can be found at the Mason 360 link below)

Find out more about CSS events happening the rest of the semester here https://mason360.gmu.edu/events?group_ids=26504 and here https://contemporary.gmu.edu/.

The Gowns for Grads lending program application is now open for Spring 2023!

A flyer is attached with more information and you can also apply at this link: https://ulife.gmu.edu/students/gownsforgrads/.

As a reminder, you can also utilize our Contemporary Student Advisors for peer advising and mentorship throughout the semester or stop in the lounge in the HUB 1012 for coffee, hot chocolate, and tea M-Th 10am-7pm and F 10am-2pm. Please let Caroline ([log in to unmask]) know if you have any questions. 🙂

Caroline Simpson
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Coordinator for Contemporary Students, Contemporary Student Services
Faculty, UNIV 300

George Mason University


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