PhD INFT Students, All INFT students must satisfy the breadth requirement of the degree. Students in catalog years prior to Fall 2019 must pass a set of (4) written Qualifying Exams; students in catalog years Fall 2019 and beyond will have to complete two Fundamental Knowledge Courses (FKC) as well as two exams. For specific time limit and breadth requirement information please consult your catalog<> year and the PhD INFT Blackboard Site<>. Spring 2023 Qualifying Exams will be held the week of January 9th and exams will be scheduled by the departments offering the exams. Qualifying Exam request forms are available through the PhD INFT Blackboard Site<> in the Breadth Requirement folder. Note that there are two request forms - one for students in catalog years prior to Fall 2019 and another for students with catalog years Fall 2019 and later. Please choose the appropriate form. After making your selection and obtaining your advisor's signature, the form should be sent via email to me no later than Monday, November 21st, 2022. If you have already met the breadth requirement, please disregard this message. If you are a student that is new to the program, this is a good opportunity to review the breadth requirements and begin developing your Plan of Study with your faculty advisor. Please let me know if you have any questions. Hugh Miller | [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Coordinator, Graduate Academic Affairs College of Engineering and Computing Office of Graduate Studies George Mason University