Undergraduate NEWS:
22 Graduates:
Graduation Application due on September 30th. For more information:
Appointments with your Bioengineering Academic Advisor:
Office hours:
In Person,
Tuesdays from 10-11am, Peterson Hall suite 3102
Fridays from 2-3pm, Friday 9/23 from 1:30 -2:30 pm
Zoom: If you come into the waiting room I usually let you know how many students are ahead of you after a few
minutes (if at all).
For Appointments
- Use the appointment system SSC Campus (Navigate) -
or simply use my availability link to check for free spots: You can also email me with questions or find out if somebody cancelled last minute. The system doesn’t show if it is passed 24 hours.
CONCERNS? Please email us if you have concerns or simply want to give some feedback about a class, academics, professor
or any issues. This will be handled confidentially. You will be contacted by the BMES president or the Student Representative. DISCLAIMER: If it does not apply to your case, but is a required question, enter N/A.:
The CEC Peer mentor Center is open and we have
four new Bioengineering students this fall to help with classes. Thank you to
Amber Moscoe, Eray Tulun, Mahin Chowdhury and Nicole To. For office hours and more please check here:
Abroad Winter Break to France| Scholarships Available | Fulfils Mason Core “Arts” or “Global Understanding” Requirement.
The program will provide 3 credit hours and can count towards either a Mason Core Arts class or the Global Understanding requirement for graduation.
Using the cities as our classroom in walking tours and visits to museums and monuments, this course explores the design of select Roman sites and Paris through historical artifacts and their associations, technical skill, architectural style, and cultural
October 10th, 2022 (Rolling admission)
January 1-15, 2023.
More Info:
Campus Walks are coming back
Per Request we are introducing Fall 22 campus walks for all Bioengineering students/faculty and staff. Friday, September 23rd from 12:45 pm – 1:45pm starting with a short Qi Gong exercise. Meet us at the back of Peterson
Hall outside dry pond weather permitting. This is to give all of us an opportunity to connect with fellow bioengineers while promoting healthy exercise.
BENG Seminars:
Sept. 22nd
| 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | Erin Calipari, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University
Location: Horizon Hall, room 1012; KJH, room 258 (SciTech)
Title: A novel framework for the role of dopamine in learning and memory
For In-Person only: Participants must complete
Mason COVID Health✓™
and receive a “green Light” status on the day of the event. Please complete the RSVP request using
| 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | Sebastián L. Vega, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Chair of Outreach and Community Engagement, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rowan University
Location: Horizon Hall, room 1012; KJH, room 258 (SciTech)
Title: Injectable Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications
For In-Person only: Participants must complete
Mason COVID Health✓™
and receive a “green Light” status on the day of the event. Please complete the RSVP request using
BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society): Local Chapter:
President: Lucia Rodriguez, Organization email:
[log in to unmask], Instagram: bmes_gmu, Twitter: @BmesGmu and snapchat: @Bmes_Gmu,
Fall 2022 Get Clearance Ready Events
Oct. 5, 2022 – Interns with Clearances Panel, 5:00 pm –
Oct. 19, 2022 –Intro to Security Clearances, 6:00 pm – JC Room B
Oct. 25, 2022 – Preparing Your SF-86, 6:00 pm – Merten 1204
Nov. 3, 2022 – Interns with Clearances Panel, 5:00 pm –
Nov. 14, 2022 – Cleared Careers in Technology Panel, 5:00 pm –
More information:
Real Talk Exploring the Intersection of Identity and Career
Oct. 20, 2022
– Salary Negotiation for Women, 3:00pm to 4:30pm –
Nov. 3, 2022 – Systemic Barriers that Impact Imposter Phenomenon, 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Dec. 5, 2022 –Disclosing Your Disability to an Employer, 4:00 pm to 5:00pm
Study Abroad Fair
| 11:00 am – 4:00 pm | SUB I Quad (rain site: HUB Ballroom)
Winter Break, Spring, and Summer internships abroad are open. We have virtual and travel opportunities in 30+ locations, 38 career fields, and related to all majors. Questions?
[log in to unmask]
Available Career Fields and Locations
Internship Company Examples
Summer 2022 Global Internship Cohort Placements
Fall 2022 Career Fair and resume clinics
| 11:00 am – 5:00 pm | SUB I 3400 Fall
Resume Clinic day 1
| 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm | SUB I 3400 Fall
Resume Clinic day 2
Event Link:
Mindful Mason Moments
Take a well-being break on weekdays for Mindful Mason Moments mindfulness sessions. By taking good care of yourself, you can contribute more
to your friends, families, colleagues, and community members. These are open to students, staff, and faculty.
Duration: September 1st to November 18th
Time and Location:
Monday and Wednesday – 4:00 to 4:20pm :
Tuesday and Thursday – 12:30 to 12:45pm : SUB 1 Room 3B
Friday – 12:30 to 12:45 pm:
More Info:
University of Pittsburgh Bioengineering Graduate Programs Open House
Join us for a discussion about Pitt’s Bioengineering Graduate Programs: PhD, MS – Research, MS – Professional (Medical Product Engineering & Neural
Engineering), MS/MBA (collaboration with the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business), Certificate in Medical Product Innovation. Meet our faculty along with current Pitt MS and PhD students and our graduate staff administrators
Thursday, September 22nd
12:00 pm EST
Learn More about Graduate Admissions and Apply:
For Questions: contact
[log in to unmask]
New research lab opportunities on our website!
Check under Biomaterials and Nanomedicine.
STEM Internships Abroad:
Check out brief videos on global internship opportunities and the GEO application process here.
On Campus Interviews: September 30 – Apply before September 25.
2023 internships - Graduating 2024
2023 internships - Graduating 2025
2023 internships - Graduating 2026
Information Technology Internship
Computer Science Internship
Project Opportunity: Delivery of the Intro to Python Project Pathway
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is looking for an Instructor to lead our “Introduction to Python” pathway with our partner, Arlington Partnership for Affordable
Housing (APAH) in Arlington, Virginia. Instruction will take place at an APAH site and requires a commitment of facilitating six 60 to 90-minute Python sessions and two accompanying Career Development sessions.
Start Date: early-October of 2022
Experience: Basic Python coding is required, classroom
instruction experience is a plus.
This is a contracted, paid opportunity by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
If you are interested in the opportunity or have any questions, please reach out to Alex Mora, Community Partnerships Manager at the Raspberry Pi Foundation,
at [log in to unmask].
*Suggest to include resume, unofficial transcript and cover letter.
GROW RegenMed Internship Program - Alliance for Regenerative Medicine
ARM is launching the GROW Internship Program to provide crucial, early-career paid opportunities in the regenerative medicine sector, initially to Black
students and over time to a broader minority population. ARM represents 400+ organizations in the cell, gene, and tissue-based therapies sector that target a range of diseases and disorders, many of which affect the Black community. This is specifically designed
to provide opportunities to Black individuals - open to undergrad, graduating seniors, and graduate students.
February 15, 2023
Internship Period: June 5 – August 18, 2023
Internship Benefits:
Earning while learning: Interns will be paid, with some employers offering housing, relocation and travel support.
Build community: Interns will be part of an intern class and given a chance to connect with their peers at several points
throughout the internship.
Professional development: Interns will participate in an ARM-organized kick-off session, a two day in-person professional
development event, and a closing session with their class. Post-internship, interns will be given the chance to reconnect with their class and engage with industry leaders at the annual Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa the October following their internship,
free of charge.
If you are interested in the GROW internship program, please contact
[log in to unmask].
Google PhD Fellowship Program
Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to
recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google’s
mission is to foster inclusive research communities and encourages people of diverse backgrounds to apply.
Application Period: September 2022 to end of September
Up to 3 year Fellowship
Full tuition and fees (enrollment fees, health insurance, books) plus a stipend to be used for living expenses, travel and
personal equipment
Google Research Mentor
Full-time graduate students pursuing a PhD and enrolled in an institution in one of the regions listed above.
Completed graduate coursework by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins.
Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization
funding is exempt.
More Info:
How do I volunteer?
Send a cover letter and your resume to: OO‐OTS‐[log in to unmask].
Please be sure to include in your cover letter your educational discipline and which FDA Center aligns with your interests. To learn about the type of work done at FDA and find out more about each Center visit
Your resume will be uploaded into a resume bank which hiring managers can access. If a hiring manager is interested in having you volunteer, they will reach out to you directly.
For more info, visit this
Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact or you would like to share your lab experience here in the
newsletter? Please email a short summary, picture and fill out the attached release form and send to:
[log in to unmask].
has over 70 portable scholarships and fellowships posted. These include undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc level funding opportunities with an emphasis on increasing diversity in STEM.
Undergraduate scholarships
and tips and resources for applying:
Graduate fellowships
and resources for applying:
Postdoc funding and resources:
A quick video tutorial on using our advanced search functions to find funding opportunities:
Do you have a Linkedin account? Check out what Linked in can do for you:
Job Services
Services in College of Engineering and Computing |
starting Wednesday, September 6th
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2-5 pm, Suite 3255
Monday through Friday from 1-3pm in 3400 SUB I
You can also schedule by calling 703-993-2370 or at
[log in to unmask] if you have questions
Resume & Cover Letter Reviews, Questions about Handshake and Job/Internship Search
University Career Services
| University Career Services is now virtual. You can also schedule
an appointment on Handshake.
Major/Career Exploration and Job/Internship Search Assistance:
Schedule a phone or video chat appointment through Handshake
Resume Reviews: Email your resume or cover letter for review, along
with the position description of the job for which you're applying, to [log in to unmask]
Workshops and Employer Events: Check the calendar in Handshake for
virtual career events
Top Three Digital Career Resources:
With your Mason Net ID and password you have complete access to premium digital platforms designed to augment your career readiness preparation. Here are the top three
we recommend:
your go-to resource for employer and industry research
LinkedIn Learning:
a seemingly endless stream of educational programs, including certifications