Dear colleagues,

We have had a few date changes to RRCHNM’s "Basics of” series. Please find below an updated list for this semester. And please consider in particular attending the “Basics of Teaching DH” session on October 4, which we hope will offer some guidance on teaching both fully digital classes and classes which incorporate a digital assignment or module.

Oct 4, 1pm, Basics of Teaching DH (panel discussion)
Oct 18, 1pm, Basics of Poster Presentations (Nate Sleeter)
Nov 1, 1pm, Basics of Social Media (Bridget Bukovich)
Nov 15, 1pm, Basics of Static Sites (Jason Heppler)

All events will be held in the main RRCHNM space on Research Hall, fourth floor, and are also available at the following Zoom link.

You can find these events and others on the RRCHNM events calendar. 
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Best wishes,