Dear MS EE Students, I hope you have had great summer, and you are excited about starting your new classes at GMU next week! A kind reminder that the Fall 2022 GMU Calendar is available at In particular, * the first day of Fall classes is Monday, August 22, and * your last day to register for classes, including individual sections, is Monday, August 29. I would like to bring your attention to a couple of tasks that you can complete before the semester even starts: Schedule an Appointment with Your Academic Advisor: Do it at your earliest convenience and use this opportunity to discuss your overall plan of study, with a special focus on the courses you would like to take this Fall. Review Your Catalog Year and Declare/Change Your Concentration: Our MS Electrical Engineering Program has substantially changed during the last three years. In particular, In Catalog 2020-2021: 6 formal concentrations have been added (replacing previous informal specializations). In Catalog 2021-2022: Several new courses have been added. In Catalog 2022-2023: The following two new concentrations have been added: 1) Machine Learning in Electrical Engineering (MLEE) and 2) Power Systems and Smart Grid (PSSG). Multiple new courses related to these concentrations have been created and added to the Catalog. Several courses have been renumbered and/or have their titles modified. The list of the program's core courses has been extended with the following two courses: ECE 527 and 552. For students who follow or choose to follow one of these Catalogs, your concentration will appear on your transcript and your diploma! You can officially state it as part of your CV. All students can change their Catalog Year anytime during their curriculum! If your Catalog Year is 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, you can declare or change your concentration anytime during your studies at GMU. Just keep in mind that doing that may affect your degree requirements! The most recent degree requirements are comprehensively covered in the GMU Catalog 2022-2023 at Previous University Catalogs can be found at In order to * Change your Catalog Year and/or * Declare or change your Concentration please use the following form, available at Please talk with your academic advisor before making any of the mentioned above changes. If he/she agrees, ask him/her to sign the respective section of the form, and then submit this form by yourself to Ms. Patricia Sahs ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). For those of you who are getting close to finishing your degree, the message below contains some important information regarding the ECE 797 Scholarly Paper and ECE 795 Engineering Seminar requirements. ECE 797: Scholarly Paper Requirement: Suppose you have already completed 18 credits of graduate coursework by the start of the Fall 2022 semester. In that case, you can meet the scholarly paper (SP) requirement through the following courses (provided that the course fits into your approved plan of study): ECE 616 Advanced Mobile Systems and Applications ECE 632 Digital Communications
 ECE 639 Satellite Communications ECE 646 Applied Cryptography ECE 653 Machine Learning Security and Privacy ECE 660 Space Systems Engineering ECE 699 Advanced Robotics. If you take one of the classes listed above to meet the SP requirement this Fall, then you need to register simultaneously for the zero-credit ECE 797 Scholarly Paper, section CRN 72638. This is needed so that the department can ensure you have met the SP requirement when you apply for graduation. If you do not wish to fulfill the SP requirement this fall, then you can still take one or more of the courses above. In that case, you do not need to simultaneously register for ECE 797. If you wish to take a course in the future to meet the SP requirement, you will need to register for ECE 797 together with it during the same semester. The department provides a list of all courses that meet the SP requirement on the following subpage of the ECE website: ACADEMICS => Master's => Resources for Current MS Students The direct link is See Scholarly Paper List of Courses Meeting the Scholarly Paper Requirement A subset of these courses is offered every semester. Registration in ECE 797 is controlled. In order to register for ECE 797, you will need to contact Ms. Patricia Sahs ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) and provide her with your name, your request to enroll in ECE 797, your G number as well as what course you are taking to meet the SP requirement so that she can provide you with the override. What to do next is explained in the attached slides. The relevant forms are available on the mentioned above page under Forms for Master's in CPE and EE * ECE797 Entry Form * ECE797 Evaluation Form. ECE 795: Engineering Seminar Requirement: If Fall 2022 is your last semester in the program, then you need to enroll in ECE 795 CRN 72637 to meet the seminar requirement. You do not need to request an override to enroll in ECE 795. You can directly enroll via Patriot Web. All degree candidates must attend a minimum of 6 graduate seminars approved for the degree program. Approved seminars are publicized on the departmental webpage and through e-mail announcements. See Approved seminars are limited to: ECE Distinguished Seminar Series ECE Departmental Seminars PhD Thesis Presentations PhD Seminars MS Thesis Presentations. The relevant form is Seminar Attendance Record available at under Forms for Master's in CPE and EE. For seminars attended online, no signature of a faculty member is required! For seminars attended in person, please get the mentioned above form signed by any faculty member attending the seminar. The department office will verify that the seminar requirement has been met and submit a grade of S (satisfactory) for ECE 795 upon completion of the requirement at the end of the semester of enrollment in ECE 795. Students who have not met the seminar requirement in their final semester must continue to register for ECE 795 in subsequent semesters until the requirement is met. Good luck with all your classes taken this semester! Kris Gaj ------------------------------------------------------ Kris Gaj Associate Chair for Graduate Programs ECE Department George Mason University