Message from Shrishti:
Hello everyone,
The Graduate Association for Bioengineering Students (GABS) has two vacant positions for the academic year 2022-2023. The open positions are for the President and Treasurer of GABS. The responsibility of the President includes helping organize
events, oversee the running of the GABS, and organize regular meetings with the other officers. The responsibility of the Treasurer includes raising funds and managing the existing funds of GABS. All 2nd year and above PhD and Master students in
the Bioengineering and Neuroscience program are eligible to apply for these two positions. If interested for either roles, please send in your names, the role you want to apply for, and a short answer to the question ‘Why do you think you are suited for the
role?’ to the email [log in to unmask]. For any other questions and inquiries, please send an email to either
[log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask].
Shrishti Singh
PhD Candidate in Bioengineering
President of GABS
Carol McHugh
Academic Program Assistant
George Mason University
Department of Bioengineering
3100 Peterson Family Health Services Hall