Hi everyone,
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This summer, my lab (the Measurable Security Lab, MSL) and the Center for Assurance and Research Engineering (CARE) are transitioning a community security monitoring service (called the DNSSEC Deployment Maps, https://secure-web.cisco.com/1HV50sSDnyS8uPSxphsUiAVk8IumQCVRsZkMVBwCcd9vPXutqP2Zw4zXbZOp3b7FyiPBxYEU-_PNZnISF4pl4W7QMDOJYTV_mFOPFP_s6zcDStRzVZh1VL-ZKjZ9EFn6uEpVkGhqfOVDmTF6u3rkPdFsvX0MNgoynUaxK26jrYy2dSqM6ndtkCaB4w-hmNKe9oTAD6oJutdQgbdsIxJuW2aop_O_L6Vin0kUemcW6N5poSOMVbJnmJ2rh-jrNwmF7rC0VgrF6iqAfXADYL7K9fxrKre4gquIKzU6xfyfKE76p7Ye0eshPLkpJiJwWllV5fXDBTjQr1Uxt_ihLdZV05CPNSh4ckLEG4tOyC8tvQyccnhwGjwwvneP3jX08dpno5CoRGjb2E_PjmL_TZkzM_xr1MlpkcBvaKq1FMeNjwCYQJQdICvEo0S6tJGhiD9tNQ7-qjEk_fwU7E3PhWD9dzw/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.internetsociety.org%2Fdeploy360%2Fdnssec%2Fmaps%2F ) from the Internet Society (ISOC) to Mason.  To make this transition smooth (as it is in active use by multitudes of people worldwide) we will start off by doing a lot of systems administration, followed by some research and evolution of the service into a more holistic object-security analysis platform.  This transition will bring with it a longitudinal database of roughly 17 years of measurements and we are going to synthesize this with our own ~17-year corpus of DNSSEC measurements ( https://secure-web.cisco.com/1JsevjJbQRTBxMsaDln0PSm75M5kl6q4B2qGBuzhCJEasYMT1NI0RA9uoqdn6t0XNnIjlAGZuF7wDI7X1EfyiFGW2IX2w_UJHAoD8HZisd1yuTtNkM868dHXDiJjmjoM8jGeXjbK0acMAYoQxTJB2Ch-KyDVjMjJi5068S4-rQGPPZ25j6YyzWqxEH8K_fCbF54zEJu17pDswrgYExy16TYeF8HyoLtLWfXRuSZLAmaGj0DOBnWuVzWta29mdwtR1HbsEghEa4XZDrZmDUvGZ-9n27Mgv815bV48XT8nRR1Iy2XJBIfbuFl7kHlI8W5xGt6B4wqW_oBCwMpk4tg7pgatYs5VWIywu9XcP3JLGNWJw6XwWf1qyeKbOhHtag-SNCskUHYzlpw81eGf6oOGmyCXZyNi9EuMfVVCWdWbtL_t0vBKfT5UEnBMIT4kNeodRo_5WwJWCh-Gyh0xecDotQw/https%3A%2F%2Fsecspider.net%2F ) and build other new systems.  This work will grow into research and publications that will build on, augment, and proceed in parallel to our existing work, like:
Osterweil, Eric, Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Thomas C. Schmidt, and Matthias Wählisch. "From the Beginning: Key Transitions in the First 15 Years of DNSSEC." arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08783 (2021).
If anyone on this list is interested in a paid part-time position for the summer (and possibly beyond) to start off by helping to transition the existing database and stand up the measurement and online infrastructure on our systems, and/or want to hear more, please email me directly so we can discuss!
