Dear EE and CPE Students,
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, April 7, 2022 is
“Student + Alumni + Industry Mixer”.
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
You may not realize what this event is since many of them have not registered this event yet.
This is an unique job fair event for the ECE graduate students. We usually hold this event early February, but we had to postpone until tomorrow because of COVID-19 in
this year. We mix with a job fair and alumni re-union. Many alumni represent their current companies and they talk with current ECE students what their jobs are or what kind of qualifications,
skills, or knowledges are necessary, etc. They may be their companies hiring representatives or there are separate hiring personnel who are interested in meeting you. In the past, many students find jobs or/and internships through this event.
In this year, we already have
BAE System, Amazon, AWS, Deloitte, Lockheed Martin, NOVEC, etc. You can also chat with many professors in the event. I hope that you cannot lose this wonderful opportunity.
The registration is required
(since this event is for the ECE graduate students and Senior Design Project student only).
Please register from the link below.
Thank you.
Toshiko Uchiyama
Academic Program Manager
Phone: 703-993-3810
Fax: 703-993-6137
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
M.S. in Telecommunications Program
M.S. in Digital Forensics Program