On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 2:17 PM Jeremy Hunsinger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Deadline extended to March 30, please note that the OJS publisher
> requires authors to be approved before they submit, so it is a
> two-stage process, once you create an account please e-mail me, and
> I'll get your account approved.  Thanks!
> CFP Special issue of Fastcapitalism
> Academic Automation, Machine Un/Learning and Artificial Non/Intelligences,
> Over the last 70 years, computational and networked media have become
> deeply integrated with higher education and have slowly adopted and
> integrated various technologies. The newest generation of technologies
> engaging higher education centers around what is popularly called
> artificial intelligence, otherwise known as machine learning. Machine
> learning creates models that self-design solutions that may include
> interaction, prediction, and other simulatable aspects. In other
> words, it is an attempt to automate certain processes. This special
> issue invites papers that engage with technological automation,
> machine un/learning, and artificial non/intelligence in the academic
> context. It seeks critical papers that examine questions around
> automatic grading, artificial teaching assistants, robotic
> instructors, other educational technologies, and the transformation of
> the student and professor roles concerning these technologies.
> This call for papers also seeks papers that engage these technologies
> in other academic roles, such as research or service. How are these
> technologies mediating different academic functions? Who benefits from
> these technologies? And who is privileged by them? How will these
> technologies change undergraduate education or graduate education?
> It asks authors to consider the roles of craft, artistry, and humanity
> in those roles. Is there an argument to be made for automation in the
> academy? Is there an argument to be made for AI/Machine learning in
> the academy? What kind of relations do these establish? Following Ivan
> Illich, should we rethink our relations to develop tools and systems
> that treat us as human, perhaps even more human than our current
> system? Following Virilio, what will be their accident?
> Papers should be 3000-8000 words, following the Fastcapitalism author
> guidelines:
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1249w3mjLQAw2Pwf9xMcQf0o1FRxJVSB_euMyGHLp3g7LwL4pLLu5-fnUvYtowicQsP2Wz7YY_-IqxAumEegf-4XOFL9w1QEXhgMVH2n-Eupo33ktjfB34Wj62a_cvYvqzkz0j_bckjuHex03WyTsPL_NlcDSpO_yEkoU-jrjkbDlj3NHMjZWC0ANU9u1BzJC4D8ws5UmfjNssPyWvXQCTjbCUsXxaM0CrKqvuev5Vfl4CuwjXm2YxwBjmX1KyhPtB6lmHJWFDHFFmwbCIUOqRJQCoJgj1oQMv-210V7-xr-zKd2BSvFOsnL48TliQ2rGfBkJYa8Qzc63iOoOQK8GTgHGaJHHJ7grVACoz5pDqiTznZ5PCT6rS_nk1ofgiRSU2Nsqt-ejAJGFnZOnUKUXDYKU48-VIhbHew1gvS77A8YTxog5mb-smsBD3w8i6qg7/https%3A%2F%2Ffastcapitalism.journal.library.uta.edu%2Findex.php%2Ffastcapitalism%2Fabout%2Fsubmissions%23authorGuidelines
> Submit to: https://secure-web.cisco.com/16ju8aqBF6t8IsEjHvzjFh_hb17DI5GZa7rfJ-98w5Y55Xv5ZsAvuaWGIid60ljvuPWQtwtmHJsBcLZwI4sNJFmM1g7pZm5je1k-mCG7sFj4R6ZGLdnjLyMmRwP1zb_H6Qp-Do4sCGJMgPA6DPM1qJ9ZugJNTJxF7Q29xbg5p58NHy4-OKS7uE7VYDlQXxOpS0SkXnz8Nnnh7QpeEgJIbBop5UdUpawwnewxr7Z8FhnnorW-u6osIa5DEsAk5Mij__3q12eB76S0ZoC8IdNi4bw-MCB-7JIU5y4z9o0mclw2QPyJXI1T9Yd9HBujeTt5-TYFfd0kp-LVNAnNvx8AYaDtZj1sFKwF8z5fqSibW3X_J8OazkxteTdK4WmxkaJM2a2UADAb4gAEy2gS_N0txex4kkgVeKGCWb1czlZDYK6GceHQ45IDqnTpkFMmz2RJR/https%3A%2F%2Ffastcapitalism.journal.library.uta.edu%2Findex.php%2Ffastcapitalism
> Papers are due by March 30
> Papers will undergo review with the intent to publish before September.
> Please contact Special Issue Editor Jeremy Hunsinger [log in to unmask]
> if you have questions
> --
> Jeremy Hunsinger
> Associate Professor
> Communication Studies
> Wilfrid Laurier University

Jeremy Hunsinger
Associate Professor
Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University

General list info and FAQ: http://secure-web.cisco.com/1f2qcwAnDVyksUd_gmLqJNpng8AXr7rGVe5bNY-0wkTtwgpIQtd51UxbnSIw3nSARbLLhLx-ehY8BbBkRkwEQFNnTGjBdEvHHLcfpXcUwj2tkQSXTG7fafvYiPOszw2daQpS4BjPes4JNzxsA-hXM_2iUKdu_r_zt_TKTEpC1DDUiysy3I3zfg_3GO3QHw2En_HVuQtYj9Cvw3n292qO9n8tlDOWgfJdypOYE29bInjxwf32PDnkikO7TK3z0op3GU_OJercYRoWqHvqPhlew7was-mPtt33ZafpQ3rxYJa0mQNJ3p-yyoLrYCONpd6-I8P5T9WQLKatWCRvOWqvW5rS_pyyT540hZq-jCbGa20YDmzu5rRpSbq__xYQSfoiqH1BJY9yI2pHYetTIauOIr3P2cZn8cNFgJ2Tpnh3KuPKKai1xFPfRfPmWD9vQf8GA/http%3A%2F%2Fcomm.umn.edu%2F%7Egrodman%2Fcultstud.html