Hi BIS Students: 

Please see the information from University Career Services below! There are additional dates for upcoming events below the picture.

Education Recruitment Day is next Wednesday!

“Education Recruitment Day” is a fancy way to saying a job fair just for teachers, counselors, early childhood educators and people who like to work with kids full or part-time.  This annual event lines up with the recruitment cycles of all the local (and some not so local) school districts and private schools Students seeking full-time roles as teachers, school counselors, school-based health care providers, parent liaisons, and social workers should prioritize attending this fair!  Most roles will begin in August, but multiple employers have options with summer or “ASAP” start dates. 

42 Public school districts, 10 private schools, 4 charter schools and 10 other employers  will be in attendance. Same day interviews are available for selected candidates, meaning students who attend in the morning can have a JOB OFFER by the end of the day!!! 


Spring 2022 Education Recruitment Day


More upcoming events:  

March 1: Managing Stress During the Job and Internship Search (with CAPS) – today at 4pm!

March 2: Real Talk: Systemic Barriers that Impact the Imposter Phenomenon – 1 pm

March 8: Graduate and Professional Student Virtual Networking Event – 7 pm

March 9: Education Recruitment Day – Job Fair = 9 to 11:30 am in Dewberry Hall; Invitation only interviews = 12 to 4 pm also in the JC

March 10: Clearance Ready: Cleared Careers with a Disability (Recruiter and professional panel) – 5 pm

March 17: Employment Workshop for Chinese Students (hosted by LockIn China)

March 22: Introduction to Security Clearances

March 29: Real Talk: Decoding the Dress Code

March 30: Graduate Student Career Workshop: Negotiating Job Offers, Salaries and Raises

April 1:  Summer Application Deadline: Scholarship for Unpaid Internships



April 11-15: Health and Science Week

April 18-22: Nonprofit Week

Thank you,

University Career Services
