Happy F​riday BIS students! Dr. Al Fuertes will be teaching this summer an in-person skills-based graduate course in CONF 795 002 Trauma-informed and Resilience-oriented Practice (1 credit). BIS students are welcome to register for the class. If you are interested, please email Dr. Fuertes at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> to access course registration. The class is taught on the weekend of June 4 and 5 only (9 am - 5 pm). Practitioners and those who are interested in auditing are welcome to register. Thank you. Trauma-Informed Practice - 43644 - CONF 795 - 002<https://patriotweb.gmu.edu/pls/prod/bwckschd.p_disp_detail_sched?term_in=202240&crn_in=43644> 1 credit [cid:b865c7bb-0ce2-4537-b1a3-521a13eced63] INTS 305 Conflict Resolution/Transformation- (6 credits) is also taught by Dr. Fuertes and offered this summer. Conflct Resolutn/Trnsfrm - 43057 - INTS 305 - D01<https://patriotweb.gmu.edu/pls/prod/bwckschd.p_disp_detail_sched?term_in=202240&crn_in=43057> 6 credits [cid:b5afd391-860e-480d-8d05-ad3f48d0e1ff] Best, BIS Team