Spring Career Fair- in person!!!
As of now all spring Career Fair activities will take place IN PERSON! We currently have 130 registered to participate!!
Due to COVID-19 occupancy restrictions, students will need to sign up for a specific time slot IN ADVANCE to attend either day of the fair.
***Time slot registration opens on February 16 for both days!***
Monday, Feb 21: 1 pm, Prepare for the Fair Workshop (in SUB 1, Ste 3400)
Monday, Feb 21: 11 am to 5 pm, Resume Clinic Day 1 (in SUB 1, Ste 3400)
Tuesday, Feb 22: 1 pm to 7 pm, Resume Clinic Day 2 (in SUB 1, Ste 3400)
Wednesday, Feb 23: 12 pm to 4 pm, Career Fair Day 1 ~ STEM Employers and others (in Dewberry Hall)
Thursday, Feb 24: 12 pm to 4 pm, Career Fair Day 2 ~ Govt, law, non-profit, health employers and others (in Dewberry Hall)
STUDENTS: https://gmu.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/28753/student_preview?token=4fSBVf7GeQgfPlb_jlhnN_pyqtg7bzQEEkdfDDrLwcB8XgVqWNiGQQ
VIEW EMPLOYERS without a Handshake login: From the link above, click on “All Employers” right next to the “Details” button