Attention BIS & HDFS Students,

Please be aware the following new courses have been added to the Spring 2022 schedule and all have seats available.  Please contact your academic advisor with any questions.

BIS 399 / INTS 363 Social Justice Narratives (3 credits)

Meets online Mondays 10:30am – 1:10pm

Analyzes depictions and aspects of social justice and injustice in contemporary literature (children’s literature, historical fiction, creative nonfiction, biography and essays). Students will develop an informed awareness of the complex perspectives, uses and boundaries of literature and will learn to recognize and analyze how literature depicts stories related to social justice, tolerance, equality and social change.

*Fulfills the Mason Core Literature requirement.

BIS 399 / INTS 419 Youth Resistance & Advocacy (3 credits)

Meets online Wednesdays 1:30-4:10pm

Focuses on contemporary perspectives on youth, resistance, and advocacy, both in the form of social movements and subcultures. Asks questions such as: When do everyday activities constitute "resistance"—and resistance to what?—and how do everyday forms of resistance relate to broader forms of historical change? How do these forms of resistance perpetuate forms of exclusion and inequality?

BIS 399 / INTS 450 Social Innovation in Action (4 credits)

Meets in-person Thursdays 4:30-7:10pm

Develops students' capacity to engage in positive social change. Examines social innovation approaches, including social and political entrepreneurship, philanthropy, corporate responsibility and social movements. Explores how social innovators catalyze multistakeholder collaborations across commercial, governmental and nonprofit sectors, exploring social innovation through case studies, best practice analyses and relevant readings.