Undergraduate NEWS:
Application for
Spring 2022 graduation is open:
The Spring 2022 graduation application is now available on Patriot Web. Students must apply to graduate by February
22, 2022 to have their names printed in the commencement program.
Summer 2022 graduates should not apply for Spring graduation. Instead, students who apply for Summer graduation
between January 29, 2022 and February 22, 2022 will be included in the commencement program.
Important info for SPRING 22 registration – READ Information sheet sent via email.
CONTROL on BENG 330/331 will be lifted TODAY at 3pm.
BENG 214/313, BENG 230, BENG 241, BENG 320, BENG 360 and BENG 370/371.
Lift of controls will be on Wednesday, January 5th at 9:30 am.
Students who are graduating in Spring 2022, athletes and ROTC students who need to register for any of these classes please email me now in order to receive an immediate override.
Overrides for BENG 241 will also be given for students who have not been able to take BENG 241 in their sophomore year.
Bioengineering students are required to register for MATH 203-005, CRN 20819 and its recitation
which includes a MATLAB recitation to prepare for BENG 214 and BENG 230.
Appointments with your Bioengineering Academic Advisor:
Here are this week$B!G(Bs walk in hours:
Friday Nov 12th, Virtual: 2 pm -3:30pm: Zoom:
Wednesday, Nov 10th, in person 3pm – 4:00 pm
Friday, Nov 19th, virtual: 2 pm -3:30pm
Use the appointment system SSC Campus (Navigate) -
or simply use my availability link to check for free spots: You can also email me with questions.
Quality Science Education (QSE) certificate: Please read today$B!G(Bs email for more information!
The QSE program prepares students for careers in the life science industries – particularly in the pharmaceutical, medical device and biomedical science sectors. The online program offers 3 required courses, at least one of which you can take this upcoming
spring (1/17-5/6):
1) Global Regulatory and Legal Requirements of Quality
2) Product Development, Specifications, Process and Validation
3) Risk and Failure Analysis
As a reminder, this curriculum is FREE to current Mason students. You can learn more about the QSE program at PPH's website:
NEW BENG Technical Elective in Spring 22: BENG 499 – Robotics, Prerequisites:
C and above in BENG 230 and BENG 320, CRN 22114 – T 4:30 pm – 7:10 pm Peterson 5000 E
Course Description: Course will introduce the design and control of robots for medical applications. Course will offer a survey of medical
robotics, separated into modules relevant for understanding medical robotics from the ground up.
NO ALTERNATE GRADING MODE FOR FALL 2021: There will be no alternate grading option for the fall 21 semester.
CONCERNS? Please email us if you have concerns or simply want to give some feedback about a class, academics, professor
or any issues. This will be handled confidentially. You will be contacted by the BMES president or the Student Representative. DISCLAIMER: If it does not apply to your case, but is a required question, enter N/A.:
Zoom link: Meeting ID: 97612893842
CBID MSE program application submission deadline is December 31, 2021.
GradGuard covers tuition, housing, and other payments if the student needs to withdraw for any covered medical reason at any time during the semester.
More information on what is covered:
Student Accounts will be phasing out tuition waivers for withdrawals due to medical reasons now that tuition insurance is available. Tuition waivers
for medical reasons will be considered through the Fall 2021 term. (Other tuition waivers (non-medical) will still be considered via the tuition
exception process.
Available for purchase each term up until the last day to add classes for the full semester.
Overview on Student Accounts website:
BENG Seminars:
Nov. 11
| 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Hong Chen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Oncology, Washington University, St. Louis, WA
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 978 3542 1180 Passcode: 144371
Title: Targeting the brain with focused ultrasound
Nov. 18
| 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Jeremy Barry, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Neurological Sciences, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 910 0178 8853 Passcode: 229574
Title: The assay of spatial cognition in models of pediatric encephalopathy
The job & internship fair, formerly known as Career Night, is being held virtually on our Handshake platform and is open to all Mason students and alumni. Several opportunities are open to ALL majors and fields
of study. Starting dates range from now until summer 2022.
Date: 10/28/2021
Time: 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Location: Virtual, on Handshake
2-step registration process: First, register for the fair. Second, sign up for sessions in order to
schedule specific times to meet with employer representatives.
To register, click
CASSBI Seminars:
Look for upcoming events
BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society): Local Chapter:
President: Renae Bitor, Organization email:
[log in to unmask], Instagram: bmes_gmu, Twitter: @BmesGmu and snapchat: @Bmes_Gmu,
Mindfulness/Meditation session | In Person and online, 12-12:30pm
daily. Location and Info: Come and join the Mason community for an opportunity to pause, breathe, relax, and be in a kind, supportive, loving space.
22 URSP – Get paid to do research: Application now open until Oct 27th.
STEM Internships Abroad:
Spring and Summer 2022 internship apps are open now! Check out brief videos on global internship opportunities and the GEO application process here.
For more information, please click
here for the recording of the event with the passcode: 0qx*KpN$
Biomechanics Research Internship
The Department of Defense (DoD) is offering a
postgraduate internship
opportunity at the U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (USAARL).
Anticipated start date: Applications are reviewed on an
ongoing basis and internships will be filled as qualified candidates are identified.
stipend, Health Insurance Supplement, Relocation Allowance, and Training and Travel Allowance
a 3.00 GPA, U.S citizen, and a Bachelor$B!G(Bs Degree or Master$B!G(Bs Degree received within the last 24 months or anticipated to be received by 8/31/2021 11:59:00 PM.
For more information, please visit this
National Program Participant Internship (Spring 2022)
The DEVELOP experience is focused on both conducting and delivering an applied Earth science feasibility project to an end-user. DEVELOP participants
work on a team to research the use of NASA Earth observations for environmental community concerns. Participants will conduct literature review on the scope, methodologies, and types of NASA remote-sensing data applicable to their project. They will utilize
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote-sensing data to conduct application projects.
Deadline: 01/31/2022
Duration: 10 weeks with maximum of 29 hrs/week
Eligibility: Must be at least 18 years of age
and U.S citizen
The summer 2021 term will be conducted virtually, and selected candidates will only be authorized to telework from within the continental
United States.
For more info, please visit this
Engineering Modeler-Programmer Internship (Summer 2022)
Battelle$B!G(Bs Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Defense business, in our National Security Global Business, is currently
seeking persons with knowledge of physical phenomena and who is programming savvy. The Hazard Modeling Team within CBRNE Defense provides its customers with technical analyses as well as modeling capabilities to inform their preparedness and response planning
efforts to mitigate risk to the United States or their company. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to make this Nation and Battelle$B!G(Bs clients better prepared and safer
Deadline: 11/19/2021
Location: Columbus, OH
Currently enrolled in a bachelor$B!G(Bs degree program in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, or another
scientific field.
Minimum 3.0 GPA of 3.0
Completed coursework in higher-level mathematics (e.g., calculus, differential equations, linear algebra).
Completed coursework in computer science and/or mathematical modeling.
Experience using object-oriented programming in C++, C#, Java, or python for significant classroom assignments, undergraduate research, or
other work experience.
Ability to learn and understand new programing languages and mathematical concepts.
Must be a U.S. Citizen with the ability to obtain and maintain a U.S. government security clearance.
For more information, please visit this
Quality Engineer Internship (Summer 2022)
A Quality Engineer Intern will
work directly with full-time Quality Engineers and Associate Quality Engineers. The position will entail managing multiple projects in regards to product quality; i.e. Design Files, Risk Analysis., CAPA process, 510k data collection, product testing, creating
documentation for the Master Device Record, etc. We are seeking a dynamic, creative and hard-working professional looking for hands on experience at a large healthcare company.
Deadline: April 4, 2022
Location: Chicago suburbs (Northfield or Wakegan)
Eligibility: a 3.00 GPA, Junior undergraduate,
and unrestricted permanent U.S work authorization
For more information, please visit
this link.
R&D Product Development Internship
An R&D Product Development Intern will work directly with full-time engineers and product divisions in managing multiple projects associated
with new product development. You could be on our Research & Development team helping to develop products from the ground up or be placed in a specific product division researching competitors and evaluating new features and designs. We are seeking a dynamic,
creative and hard-working professional looking for hands on product development experience at a large healthcare organization.
Deadline: April 4th, 2022
Eligibility: a 3.00 GPA, Junior undergraduate,
and unrestricted permanent U.S work authorization
For more information, please visit
this link.
Student Volunteer Service Program (SVSP)
This program is for students who are currently enrolled in an accredited educational institution seeking unpaid work experience or education-related
training opportunities. Federal employee relatives may participate in SVSP consistent with the FDA policy on employment of relatives.
How do I volunteer?
Send a cover letter and your resume to: OO$B!>(BOTS$B!>([log in to unmask].
Please be sure to include in your cover letter your educational discipline and which FDA Center aligns with your interests. To learn about the type of work done at FDA and find out more about each Center visit
Your resume will be uploaded into a resume bank which hiring managers can access. If a hiring manager is interested in having you volunteer, they will reach out to you directly.
For more info, visit this
Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact or you would like to share your lab experience here in the
newsletter? Please email a short summary, picture and fill out the attached release form and send to:
[log in to unmask].
SMART Scholarship:
Department of Defense's Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program
Application open until 12/1/2021-
KDF Hardship Grant Program:
Please visit to
check the poverty guidelines and apply today!
The Volgenau School of Engineering offers several scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Do you have a Linkedin account? Check out what Linked in can do for you:
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
New college graduates are important members of the APL community. We are seeking the next generation
of big thinkers to help us tackle the complex research, engineering, and analytical problems that present critical challenges to our nation. We value your unusual perspectives, creative thinking and disruptive ideas as essential to discovering defining innovations.
Deadline: 12/31/2021
Hold a U.S citizenship
Have a BS, MS, or PhD in biomedical or biomechanical engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, material science, or related field.
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0. Please also include a copy of an unofficial college transcripts.
Are able to obtain an Interim Secret level security clearance by your start date and can ultimately obtain a higher level clearance. If selected, you
will be subject to a government security clearance investigation and must meet the requirements for access to classified information.
For more information, please visit
Job Services
University Career Services
| University Career Services is now virtual. You can also schedule
an appointment on Handshake.
Major/Career Exploration and Job/Internship Search Assistance:
Schedule a phone or video chat appointment through Handshake
Resume Reviews: Email your resume or cover letter for review, along
with the position description of the job for which you're applying, to [log in to unmask]
Workshops and Employer Events: Check the calendar in Handshake for
virtual career events
Top Three Digital Career Resources:
With your Mason Net ID and password you have complete access to premium digital platforms designed to augment your career readiness preparation. Here are the top three
we recommend:
the perfect tool for a practice interview
your go-to resource for employer and industry research
LinkedIn Learning:
a seemingly endless stream of educational programs, including certifications