Invitation to FREE Upcoming Career Related NISS Webinars - This Week! - PLEASE FORWARD

Hi everyone,


Below, please see information about a virtual career fair and internship panel sponsored by NISS. There will be speakers from FAANG companies at both events, so I strongly encourage you all to attend.





Ben Seiyon Lee

Department of Statistics
George Mason University
Volgenau School of Engineering
4400 University Drive, MS 4A7
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444



From: NISS Communications <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, November 8, 2021 at 12:47 PM
To: Seiyon Lee <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Invitation to FREE Upcoming Career Related NISS Webinars - This Week! - PLEASE FORWARD

You are receiving this email because you registered for a previous NISS event.  We wanted to make sure that you were aware of two new, very informative events that are coming up THIS WEEK!



Virtual Career Fair for Statisticians in the High-Tech Industries

Wednesday, November 10th, 12 - 1:30 pm ET

This session describes opportunities for statisticians/data scientists from three companies. Senior statisticians from Facebook, Netflix, and Google will provide attendees with an inside look at the research that statisticians in these companies get involved in and career opportunities for you to consider!

Speakers for this session include:  
Amir Najmi - Principal Data Scientist at Google
Martin Tingley - Head of the Experimentation Platform Analysis Team Lead at Netflix
Elliott Merriam - Research Data Scientist at Facebook

Each presenter will address topics related to opportunities within their companies, the skills and qualifications looked for, career paths and lots of advice for those interested in a position in these types of industries.




Internship Opportunities for Graduate Students

Friday, November 12th, 12 - 2:00 pm ET

Panelists will share information about internship opportunities from their industries and also discuss the job description/qualifications/requirements for these types of positions. In addition, this event has been organized such that it occurs before the deadlines for internship applications from these companies.

Speakers include:
Jonathan Legare, (Fidelty)
Rob Baker and Qing Ji, (Procter & Gamble)
John Palcza, (Merck)
Sneha Chatterjee and Jan Vlachy (Google)
BriAnna Walker, (Research Triangle International - RTI)k

Each presenter will address topics related to opportunities within their companies, the skills and qualifications looked for, career paths and lots of advice for those interested in a position in these types of industries.




See the Details on all NISS Upcoming Events!

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