I am writing to offer congratulations to the newly elected officers of the George Mason University student chapter of INCOSE. Thank you for stepping up to the plate. You are our next generation of leaders.

 *   President - Madeline Haas
 *   Vice-President - Paige La
 *   Treasurer - Habiba Salad
 *   Secretary - Emma Devine
 *   Events Coordinator - Mahati Malladi
 *   Outreach Coordinator - Darius Jack


Kathy Laskey


Kathryn Blackmond Laskey                (703) 993-1644 (voice)
Department of Systems Engineering       (703) 993-1521 (fax)
   and Operations Research              [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Director, Center for Resilient and      http://www.seor.gmu.edu/~klaskey/
   Sustainable Communities
Mail Stop 4A6
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA   22030

        In the confrontation between the stream and the rock,
        the stream always wins...
        not through strength but by perseverance.   - H. Jackson Brown Jr.