John Shortle
Professor & Chair
Systems Engineering & Operations Research
George Mason University
703-993-3571, [log in to unmask]
From: Theresa Calcagno <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 10:57 AM
Subject: Library Events for Grad students

Please share/forward this information to graduate students and faculty.  Thanks!

Dear Colleagues,

I hope your semester is going well!

In the next several weeks, the Libraries will be sponsoring 2 online events that may interest your graduate students.

  *   Grad Research Connections (GRADReCon) will be held online on Thursday and Friday, October 28th and 29th from 11 AM to 4:15 PM.   Each day will have multiple sessions on topics related to research, finding research funding, time management data management and more!  Attend one session or attend them all!

  *    Academic Publishing for New Authors will be held online on Thursday, November 4th from 3 - 4 PM.  The presenter is David Parson, a publisher with Elsevier.  He will cover the steps of the academic publishing process from starting to write through peer review. Mason Publishing Group staff will provide information about how they can help authors protect their rights.

Please view the attached flyer to find links to more information and to register.

Hope you can make one or both events!



Theresa Calcagno, MS MLS
Librarian, College of Engineering & Computing
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030

Schedule Online Appointment here:   https://secure-web.cisco.com/1puXPXmt4Y4HJB86lGDIg5VfcGeZAEamyzgHILVYdbVFK3AMN4hShLe9qqzRT_YcTXMovkzOjF7F_bQSWGRy-u_QAI6V8xaA579j60ZibpipNlJdh1zaZBUD1Qn1HAcgoUFR9VLANYsiSYRPDoI53ewO5czusAe-mhjcyszLBfrB-5Ep5Un9Bt7jxwXYyLtYfEBTBTRTDW6E7zo2U26u5nJvbGprK_9WbGqJsMQ1xZdNEF1QVCD0dRHZXsJ6XC3xggRsoI4ifFUOoM6kMqHBnBM9IkuzpowtL0XW7eXMpkaushB6tq7gebhL8nFe6guzNNlhoEzFeP87PuSXsJPARhrVYVIYF4cb39SDNgcNQ1mb2e3KqTlA1-VLxaprz37j5XA4s3X8Xfh1v5lB9lT_J6CKLj8rYaieARsWPPBXqX2CmNEH3c4UGxgGDvB96SARwclBw4yGv6eitiTFYKuk74yh0RcyaAy_hdWiwpjZ1-Nk/https%3A%2F%2Fgmulib.as.me%2Ftcalcagn

To find library resources for your subject area, please check the Research Guides<http://infoguides.gmu.edu/theresa_calcagno> .