Dear graduate students,

please see below for this week's event.

Martin Slawski
Department of Statistics
Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 4A7
Fairfax, VA  22030-4444

Office: Nguyen Engineering Building, Room 1708
Phone: (703)993-1690


Hello everyone, this week we are fortunate to have a guest speaker to share with us his experience! Peizhou Liao got his Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Emory University. After that, he worked as a research scientist at Drawbridge, then a senior research scientist at Houzz and is now a machine learning engineer at Apple. He will talk about his experience and give tips on how to prepare for an industrial job in graduate school. Please join us to learn from him on Friday at 9 pm!

Topic: Experience sharing: Peizhou Liao
Time: Oct 29, 2021 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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