Hello, all.

As you likely know, the last two meetings of colloquium each semester are reserved for the presentation of dissertation prospectuses. This semester, our two presentation dates  are Monday 15 November and Monday 29 November.

Colloquium will meet on those days via Zoom in the usual 5:30 to 7:10 time slot. Scheduling  will be on a first come, first serve basis. We can accommodate a maximum of three presenters on each date, so respond to this email quickly if you have a strong scheduling preference.

Please note that presenting your prospectus to colloquium is the LAST step in this multi-step process (as per the program guidelines):

  1.  Choose your dissertation committee in consultation with your dissertation director. A dissertation committee must include a minimum of three faculty members, at least two of whom must be graduate faculty in the Department of History and Art History.
  2.  Ask the faculty members you have chosen if they are willing to serve on your committee.
  3.  Write a proposal that is acceptable to your dissertation director.
  4.  Submit the proposal to the other members of your committee and revise the proposal in response to their comments (or otherwise address their concerns).
  5.  When the committee agrees that the proposal is ready for approval, you need to schedule a Proposal Approval Meeting with your committee. This meeting will be closed to the public, and should last approximately 45 minutes to one hour.  It can be held either in person or remotely via video conference.
  6.  After the Proposal Approval Meeting, the committee will sign the dissertation Proposal Approval Form and the Committee Formation Form.
  7.  Have the Ph.D. Director sign the Proposal and Committee Formation forms
  8.  Submit the signed Proposal and Committee Formation forms to the Graduate Coordinator who will include them in your file.
  9.  Give an oral presentation of your proposal to the Doctoral Colloquium (HIST 810).

You must complete steps 1-8 before proceeding to step 9. Please do not take a slot unless you are absolutely certain that your committee will approve your prospectus!


​Cynthia A. Kierner
Professor of History
Interim Director, PhD Program in History
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia