Undocumented Scholars Award


The First Gen, Next Gen scholarship fund was established in 2016 through student advocacy and a consortium of donors in order to provide scholarships and financial assistance for first-generation college students, including students whose immigration status might otherwise hinder them from accessing higher education. Awards may be based on merit as well as financial need. Students must have a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA for the semester prior (ex.: for the spring 2019 award, students will need a cumulative 2.75 GPA at the close of the Fall 2018 semester.). Both in-state and out-of-state students may qualify, as may both documented and undocumented immigrant students, regardless of their Visa, DACA, and TPS status.


To apply, visit: https://gmu.academicworks.com/opportunities/4296









Supplemental Questions

1.    Please share how your undocumented, DACA, or TPS status has impacted access to funding for your education? Limit your response to 500 words. It is recommended that you write your response prior to beginning the application to confirm word count.

2.    How will the scholarship help you? Please share specific examples: course materials, books, etc.

3.    Please list your activities beyond class and studying (organizational involvement, volunteering, tutoring, work, care for family, activism, etc.).