
September 21th, 2021



Sept 20 – 24  Government Careers Week

Sept 23  Study Abroad Fair

Sept 23  Pilgyu Kang, PhD

Sept 24  Quentin Sanders, PhD

Sept 15-27  Unrestricted Withdrawal

Period (100% Tuition Liability)

Sept 29  Fall Career Fair: 12 –  4:00 pm

Oct 11    Fall Break




SEPTEMBER 29: 12 – 4:00 pm
George Mason University Virtual Career Fair: Student Registration – Jobs  Connected
SEPTEMBER 23: 11am-4pmFall 2021 Study Abroad Fair | University of North Dakota


Undergraduate NEWS:



Appointments with your Bioengineering Academic Advisor:
Mondays and Fridays advising appointments will be online and on T/W/Th you have the option in Navigate to choose between  in person or virtual. Use the appointment system SSC Campus (Navigate) - or simply use my availability link to check for free spots:  You can also email me.

Office hours: Wednesdays, from 3-4pm in person, Peterson Hall, 3rd floor, Suite 3102 and Friday October 1st from 2-3pm virtually: Zoom:


FALL 2021 Graduates: Information to apply for graduation:
Deadline: September 30th, 2021

Graduating fall 21 seniors starting Accelerated MS in spring 22:  Submit your transition form by September 27th, 2021: 

The CEC Peer Mentor Center is Open for Virtual Tutoring
For the Fall semester, all peer mentoring will be by virtual drop-in. The CEC Peer Mentor Center is available to engineering and computing students looking for tutoring or guidance in lower-level engineering and computing courses and concepts. Representation from each major is available Please find the links for each peer mentor in the CEC undergraduate weekly announcements for the week of September 13, 2021.



Study Abroad Fair: September 23 | Time: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM | SUB I QUAD, (Rain – JC Dewberry). Reconnect with the world at the annual George Mason University Fall Study Abroad Fair 2021.

Mason Fall Career Fair: September 29 | Time: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM | JC Dewberry Hall. In Person Event - Registration REQUIRED! Space is limited:
Do your work ahead of the fair – prepare: Prepare for the Fair Workshop

-   Date: Sept 27, 5 – 6:30 pm

-   Location: University Career Services, SUB I, 3400 Details:

Government Careers Week

Wednesday, September 22nd

12:00 pm – Navigating USAJobs – Virtual


5:00 pm – Writing Your Federal Resume Workshop – Merten 1204



Thursday, September 23rd

12:00 pm – Using and Maximizing LeadershipConnect – Virtual


5:00 pm – State and Local Government Alumni Panel – virtual



Friday, September 24th

1:00 pm – Exploring Fellowships and Scholarships – Merten 1202



Mindfulness/Meditation session | In Person and online, 12-12:30pm daily. Location and Info: Come and join the Mason community for an opportunity to pause, breathe, relax, and be in a kind, supportive, loving space.

BENG Seminars:

Sept. 23 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Pilgyu Kang, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Affiliate Faculty of the Department of Bioengineering and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, George Mason University.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 910 0178 8853    Passcode: 229574

Title: Micro/Nano Mechanics and Photonics with Atomically-Thin 2D Materials for Biomedical Engineering


Research Seminar

Sept. 24 | 10:30 – 11:30 am | Quentin Sanders, Ph.D, Google X

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 963 4254 9110       Passcode: 384089

Title: Incorporating patient-focused design and soft materials to engineer the next generation of rehabilitation robotics


Teaching Seminar

Sept. 24 | 1:00 – 1:45 pm | Quentin Sanders, Ph.D, Google X

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 942 1809 3141       Passcode: 611091

Title: Mechatronics: A Review of Electrical Circuits


CASSBI Seminars: Look for upcoming events here.                                                                                          


BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society): Local Chapter: President: Renae Bitor, Organization email: [log in to unmask], Instagram: bmes_gmu, Twitter: @BmesGmu and snapchat: @Bmes_Gmu,

Python Workshop:

Friday, Sept. 24        | 12:00 - 1  pm |



STEM Internships Abroad: Spring and Summer 2022 internship apps are open now! Check out brief videos on global internship opportunities and the GEO application process here.

For more information, please click here for the recording of the event with the passcode: 0qx*KpN$




Last summer, one of our student – Bryanna McDermott – had an amazing summer internship at a law firm in North Carolina. Here’s what she shared about her experience: “I transferred to GMU my sophomore year and quickly received help finding a career path. I signed up to talk to a mentor in bioengineering, and met with a senior who told me about a job offer she received from USPTO. I also went to the fall career fair and spoke to a recruiter from USPTO. This lead to me participating in their externship program, in which I learned about patent law and patent examining. During my junior year I was looking for internship opportunities again, and using handshake I applied to a patent analyst internship at a law firm in North Carolina. I had an amazing summer in Chapel Hill, and still work for the law firm, NEO IP, part time during school. I look forward to pursuing a career in patent law, and could be back at Mason in a couple years for law school!”



Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact or you would like to share your lab experience here in the newsletter? Please email a short summary, picture and fill out the attached release form and send to: [log in to unmask].



SMART Scholarship: Department of Defense's Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program
Application open until 12/1/2021-


KDF Hardship Grant Program: Please visit check the poverty guidelines and apply today!

The Volgenau School of Engineering offers several scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students.



Do you have a Linkedin account? Check out what Linked in can do for you:

Job Services

University Career Services | University Career Services is now virtual. You can also schedule an appointment on Handshake.

Major/Career Exploration and Job/Internship Search Assistance:
Schedule a phone or video chat appointment through Handshake

Resume Reviews: Email your resume or cover letter for review, along with the position description of the job for which you're applying, to [log in to unmask] 

Workshops and Employer Events: Check the calendar in Handshake for virtual career events

Top Three Digital Career Resources:

With your Mason Net ID and password you have complete access to premium digital platforms designed to augment your career readiness preparation. Here are the top three we recommend:

  • InterviewStream: the perfect tool for a practice interview
  • Vault: your go-to resource for employer and industry research
  • LinkedIn Learning: a seemingly endless stream of educational programs, including certifications


Contact Us

General: 703-993-5846, [log in to unmask]


Connect with us on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.
BMES twitter: @Bmes_Gmu


Claudia Borke

Academic Advisor

EMAIL: [log in to unmask]


STUDENTS: Please use your MasonLive e-mail. Include name and G number!


Frequently Used Forms and Websites:

Declare concentration: (Fill out top and enter new concentration in “advisor use only” box)

Run Degree evaluation/audit:

How to check how other courses transfer to Mason:

Mason Core:








Claudia Borke

Academic Advisor, Department of Bioengineering 

George Mason University

3102 Peterson Hall, 4400 University Drive, 1J7

Fairfax, VA 22030


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Student advising: Appointments

Forms for undergraduate students: