Please come to the first INCOSE chapter meeting of the fall semester, Wednesday September 8. This one is joint with the German chapter, and so unlike our usual chapter meetings, it will be from 11AM to noon.

Kathy Laskey

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Subject: Please join us on the first INCOSE/GfSE Webinar
Date: August 24, 2021 at 7:35:33 PM EDT
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Please join us on the first INCOSE/GfSE Webinar



Wednesday 8 September 2021 from 11:00am-12:00pm EDT (3:00pm-4:00pm UTC, 5:00pm – 6:00pm CET) 


RCDA Agile Architecture: making big engineering decisions with agile teams.


Eltjo Poort 


Engineering architectures in a fast-moving digital world can only be successful when there is a short feedback loop to stakeholders and implementation. Traditional engineering and architecting approaches can make for slow learning and lack of flexibility when things change. In this webinar, Eltjo will share his experiences speeding up the architecture cycle in various organizations, based on the Risk and Cost Driven Architecture approach (RCDA).


Find out more about the webinar: 


Eltjo R. Poort leads the architecture practice at  in The Netherlands. In his 30-year career in the software industry, he has fulfilled many engineering and project management roles. In the 1990s, he oversaw the implementation of the first SMS text messaging systems in the United States. In the last decade, he produced various publications on improving architecting practices, including his PhD thesis in 2012. Eltjo is best known for his work on Risk- and Cost-Driven Architecture, a set of principles and practices for agile architecting, for which he received the in 2016. His digital architecture blog can be found at . In his spare time, Eltjo plays the violin in 
Become an INCOSE Member!


Please follow this link to Join INCOSE as a Member or Associate Member:



Please follow this link to join the GfSE chapter of INCOSE:


Our Sponsor for 2021:
How to Connect




We have moved to the ZOOM platform for INCOSE webinars. One significant change is we recommend attendees join audio now using the ZOOM platform audio (Voice over Internet). 


Register in advance for this webinar at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 


You will also find a copy of the joining instructions on the INCOSE Connect website, at:




Please note that you can now access the webinar using mobile devices. There are 500 virtual seats available for the webinar. Currently they are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Zoom can be used to record meetings. By participating in this meeting, you agree that your communications may be monitored or recorded at any time during the meeting.



Missed the Webinar?


If you miss the webinar, you will be able to see a recording of it on INCOSE Connect at  where you will also be able to view the many more INCOSE webinars.


Please note you can now receive a PDU supporting certification renewal by attending an INCOSE technical webinar. Here is the link to details about certification renewal, including information on PDUs.



Christian Lalitsch-Schneider
[log in to unmask]" style="color: rgb(21, 72, 177); font-weight: inherit; text-decoration: none;" class="">. 
Our Sponsor for the 2021 Webinar Program:
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
7670 Opportunity Rd, Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92111-2222 USA


[log in to unmask]" data-informz-email-subject="INCOSE Information" style="color: rgb(33, 54, 241); font-weight: inherit; text-decoration: none;" class=""> | Phone: +1 858.541.1725 |  |


Higher Logic