From: Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 5:21 PM

Subject: CHR News and Opportunities- week of 8/30
Dear Colleagues, Students, and Friends,

We hope that the semester has gotten off to a good start for everyone! 


If you registered for the New Faculty Social this Wednesday, September 1 (4-5 pm), you will receive a confirmation message tomorrow. In light of the evolving health situation, we won't be serving refreshments after all, but we're still planning for a small, in person gathering in Horizon Hall 6320.

We wanted to remind you that we're also hosting a Virtual Fall Welcome the following Wednesday, September 8 (4-5:30 pm). Whether you're new to the Center or an active participant already, please join us to learn about new opportunities and programming and to socialize with your colleagues. No RSVP required; please use this Zoom link to join! 


Many of CHR's Reading Groups have begun meeting and you can take a look at the list of groups on our website to see if there's one you might be interested in joining. You'll find meeting dates and more details about planned discussions/readings under CHR's upcoming events. Please email Reading Group coordinators directly indicating your interest. Some groups are continuing virtually; others will meet in person.

This week, we'd like to highlight two groups that have open slots:

The Environmental Justice Reading Group is an interdisciplinary group of scholars that meets monthly to discuss readings that fit under the umbrella of environmental justice. We interpret the field broadly, including not only scholarship that self-identifies as environmental justice but also that which is more generally concerned with nature and power. What are the theories of “justice” mobilized by EJ scholars and social movements? With an eye towards exploring the range of different answers to this question, we will begin an orienting survey of major approaches, then we will critically evaluate a different emphasis in the EJ literature each month from October until January. What can we learn about “justice” by analyzing the responses to environmental injustice? From February to May, we will examine the range of different responses to environmental injustice and the theories of change that they enact. The group is open to all regardless of their existing level of familiarity. We facilitate challenging and, most importantly, constructive conversation. To join, please contact Levi Van Sant ([log in to unmask]) or Todd Stafford ([log in to unmask]).

The Postcolonial/Decolonization Reading Group sees itself as a community of scholars interested in engaging in conversation on topics pertaining to the history of colonialism, the work of decolonization, forms of empire, imperialism, and neo-colonial experiences. We hope to look at the theoretical, political, economic, and cultural intersections within postcolonial theory and decolonization movements found in texts, media, and the arts and how to apply that knowledge to teaching, scholarship and activism. Open to undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty. Email Shauna Rigaud to join ([log in to unmask]).


Research talks by CHR's fall 2021 Residential Fellows will begin in October.

We look forward to seeing you both virtually and in person this semester! 

Finally, please see the attached flyers for information on how to participate in our new Northern Virginia Working Group and a new Workshop, "Writing for the Public." We're still gauging interest for now (feel free to help us spread the word!) but we expect to have more information for you about these opportunities in the coming weeks.

Best wishes,

Alison Landsberg (Director)
Catherine Olien (Associate Director)

Center for Humanities Research (CHR)
6320 Horizon Hall
George Mason University 

~~~ CHR now has a YouTube channel! Our virtual event recordings will continue to be posted there. We're also active on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. ~~~