Undergraduate NEWS:
AN XS in MATH 114 and 214 will suffice as a prerequisite for the BENG classes.
Appointments with your Bioengineering Academic Advisor and Success Coach:
All scheduled advising appointments will be online.
Use the appointment system SSC Campus -
You can also email me.
ADVISING OFFICE HOURS in for Registration questions:
Friday, May 21th from 10:30 am -12:00 pm, Zoom Link: , Meeting ID: 672 425 0700, Passcode: 8AIpcC
Concerns about classes or other issues at Mason?
Please let us know. Your information will be handled confidentially. Please follow this link:
CASBBI NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program Retreat focused on community-engaged research
Please join CASBBI for a celebration of our NRT trainees and community partners as the first
year of the CASBBI NRT program draws to a close. This event is open to the community. Learn more about the NRT Training Program here and
more about the 2020-2021 team projects here.
When: Friday,
May 21, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Event Zoom Link:
Youth Bioinformatics Symposium
The Youth Bioinformatics Symposium is looking for judges for the event for volunteer hours. If students are interested in judging, please contact:
[log in to unmask]
Time: Sunday, May 23, 2021
Location: Webinar event
BENG Seminar – Starting back in Fall 2021
BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society):
Local Chapter: President: Xander Boit, Organization email:
[log in to unmask], Instagram: bmes_gmu, Twitter: @BmesGmu and snapchat: @Bmes_Gmu
Virtual Internship Biomedical Engineering
The BME at WPI invites you to apply for our Virtual Internship in Biomedical Engineering (VIBE) Program. Students will participate in a team-based, virtual BME design
challenge, develop professional skills, and interact with WPI BME faculty.
Application deadline:
May 25, 2021
Duration: June 7th – July 30th, 8-week program | 3-5 hours/week
Women, first generation & underrepresented students are encouraged to apply
For application, please click
here. Visit this
website for more information or
sign up for an informational session on May 20th.
Unpaid Internship Scholarships
The Scholarship for Unpaid Internships is open to all Mason students (undergraduate AND graduate) who plan to participate in an unpaid internship and meet the criteria
listed below. The Scholarship for Unpaid Internships is designed to provide financial support to students completing an UNPAID internship who may incur costs associated with the internship (e.g. transportation, wardrobe, materials, or lost wages from missed
paid employment) that can be a challenge in obtaining valuable internship experience. Students may receive up to $2,500 per semester/term.
Note: Research positions are not eligible for this scholarship. Please visit OSCAR or your academic department for information about
research funding.
Application deadline:
August 3rd, 2021 at 11:55 pm.
Minimum requirements: Minimum
2.0 GPA, currently enrolled and degree-seeking student at GMU during the time of internship
Application materials: Current resume, a letter of recommendation, and short answer questions
For more information, please
click here.
Awards and Grants for graduate students from the Provost Office
Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact or you would like to share your lab experience here in the
newsletter? Please email a short summary, picture and a confirmation for information release:
[log in to unmask].
Job and Mason Tutoring Services
Peer Mentor Center
For appointments:
Or check out
University Career Services
| University Career Services is now virtual. You can also schedule
an appointment on Handshake. Our industry advisor is Ms. Dorothy Hayden. Link:
If you need to take headshot photos, please use the link:
Major/Career Exploration and Job/Internship Search Assistance:
Schedule a phone or video chat appointment through Handshake
Resume Reviews: Email your resume or cover letter for review, along
with the position description of the job for which you're applying, to [log in to unmask]
Workshops and Employer Events: Check the calendar in Handshake for
virtual career events
Top Three Digital Career Resources:
With your Mason Net ID and password you have complete access to premium digital platforms designed to augment your career readiness preparation. Here are the top three
we recommend:
the perfect tool for a practice interview
your go-to resource for employer and industry research
LinkedIn Learning:
a seemingly endless stream of educational programs, including certifications
The Volgenau School of Engineering offers several scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students.