Hi All, the course evals are closing in two days, so I wanted to plead with you to please do them if you haven’t already. Links are in the left hand course menus on Blackboard, so easy to get to.


I get that many of you feel there’s no need to do them if you liked the course—but there actually is.  As you know from 511, low response rates warp the results, which are after all reviewed by deans, directors and faculty. Your evals do matter.

Thanks for listening, enjoy the nice weather and congrats to those of you who are graduating!


Very best, Stefan


Dr. Stefan Toepler 
Professor of Nonprofit Studies

MPA Directo5r

Co-Editor, Nonprofit Policy Forum (starting summer 2021)

Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University

3351 Fairfax Drive, Van Metre Hall 671, MSN 3B1

Arlington VA 22201