The Schar School MPA Program is seeking current students for a virtual focus group redeveloping the mission statement of the program. Students will be able to give feedback and guidance about what attracted
them to the program and what they see as the strengths in the degree program.
Date & Time:
Wednesday, April 7th
Description: Professor Terman will conduct virtual focus groups with current and former MPA students to get their feedback on the proposed new mission statement.
She will use this feedback to revise the mission statement by April 9th. The faculty will provide her feedback by April 16th. If you have any questions, please reach out to
Julie Hudson <[log in to unmask] who will help to schedule these virtual focus groups
To join on Zoom please see below:
Topic: MPA Focus Group
Time: Apr 7, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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