Good Morning, History and Art History Graduate Students!

With fall registration opening tomorrow, I wanted to send a few helpful reminders regarding enrollment.

The FALL 2021 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES<> is now available to view on the main PatriotWeb<> page.
Simply click "Schedule of Classes" on the menu to the right of the login prompt.

FALL COUSE DESCRIPTIONS<> can be found on the History and Art History department website.

Be sure to check your REGISTRATION TIME TICKET<> in Patriot Web because the system will not let you enroll in classes until your assigned time. If you need a refresher on how to register for classes using Patriot Web, please watch the short video tutorial HERE<>.

If you need an INDIVIDUALIZED COURSE SECTION of any of the following opened for fall, please send me a direct email request when registration opens:

  *   HIST 796 Directed Readings
  *   HIST 798 Directed Writings & Research
  *   HIST/ARTH 799 Master's Thesis
  *   HIST 803 Doctoral Research for Major Field
  *   HIST 804 Doctoral Research for Minor Field

Course with Controlled Enrollment - Department Approval Required:
HIST 696 CLIO WIRED: HISTORY OF NEW MEDIA: Registration into HIST 696 (both in-person and online sections) is done on a priority basis, with first priority going to PhD students, then to MA students who need it to graduate the same semester (fall).  After that, enrollment is approved on a first-come, first-served basis as determined by the time/date stamp of their email enrollment request starting on the day registration opens. I’ll be glad to provide a status update as quickly as I can.

For HIST 998 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal, please provide me with your dissertation advisor’s name and the number of credits, and I will provide you with the CRN you’ll use to enroll yourself into the proper section via PatriotWeb.

For HIST 999 Doctoral Dissertation Research, please email the Dean’s office directly at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> to request approval and the CRN you’ll use to enroll into the proper section via PatriotWeb.  Please provide your name, G number, dissertation advisor’s name, and the number of credits you need.


This form is for doctoral students who have completed a minimum of 15 credits of HIST 999. With this form on file, you may enroll in 1 credit of HIST 999 for fall and keep your full-time student status.  Please complete, sign and return this form to me no later than the start of fall classes on August 23rd.

As always, if you haven't already done so, it is recommended that you check in with your ACADEMIC ADVISOR (below) prior to enrolling for fall to ensure your program of study is being updated properly and that you are taking the appropriate course/s:

Dr. Sam Lebovic, Program Director, PhD History: [log in to unmask]
Dr. Zachary Schrag, Program Director, MA History:<>
Dr. Jacquelyn Williamson, Interim Program Director, MA Art History: [log in to unmask]
Dr. Brian Platt, Program Director, DPH Graduate Certificate: [log in to unmask]

Lastly, be sure to check the SEMESTER CALENDAR<> on the Registrar's website regularly for any updates or changes - this is especially important to do after you've enrolled in classes in case any information changes between now and the start of the fall semester.

Thank you,

Emily M. Gibson
Graduate Coordinator | History and Art History Department
George Mason University | 4400 University Drive, MS: 3G1
Horizon Hall, Rm. 3152 | Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-993-1248 | Fax: 703-993-1251
Email: [log in to unmask]

PLEASE NOTE: Information provided in this email is subject to change due to ongoing adjustments to COVID-19 protocols – please check university resources, email and calendars often to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.