Dear Mason Bioengineering Students, 


The Bioengineering Department is excited to offer again the Quality Science Education (QSE) curriculum this summer. The QSE program prepares students for careers in the life science industries – particularly in the pharmaceutical, medical device and biomedical science sectors. Courses will be available to take online through our partner, Pathway for Patient Health.   


The online program offers 3 courses :  

1) Global Regulatory and Legal Requirements of Quality focused on “why” global regulations were adopted, and the evolution of the quality systems grounded in science.  

2) Product Development, Specifications, Process and Validation, to include criticality of inputs, risk controls and assessment, specifications, testing, clinical trials, transfer, scalability, yield and validation.  

3) Risk and Failure Analysis, Investigation Processes and writing scientifically justified conclusions linked to laboratory experiments.  


Highlights of the program include the following: 

·         The curriculum is FREE to current students.  There is no fee to enroll and no fee for the Pathway Portal user license each QSE student receives that connects the student to industry leaders. 

·         QSE students will have opportunities for paid internships at pharmaceutical and medical device companies around the world.   

·         Hiring leaders will be connected to QSE students (via the Pathway Portal) who wish to be considered for employment opportunities. 

·         'Ask an Expert' is available to QSE students.  Industry mentors are assigned to groups of students in this portion of Pathway’s website.   

·         Live office hours at the beginning of the course are scheduled to make sure everyone is up and running. 

Learn about the QSE program by visiting the Pathway for Patient Health website:  


Student Webinar Session: 

Through the Society of Asian Scientist and Engineers (SASE), one of our BIOE students has helped organize a Student Webinar Session to hear about the program from Pathway for Patient Health staff and industry experts.  If you’re interested in participating, below are the logistics: 

When: Thursday, March 25th @ 8:00 pm EST 



Meeting ID: 994 1008 0163 

Passcode: 4ZYeTK 



All are welcome to attend! 

If you have any Q&A, contact Eugene Kim at [log in to unmask]. 




Claudia Borke 

Academic Advisor, Department of Bioengineering   

George Mason University 

3102 Peterson Hall, 4400 University Drive, 1J7 

Fairfax, VA 22030 



Student advising: Appointments 

Forms for undergraduate students: